Ever since 1990, Transnistria has considered itself independent of Moldova and under Russian help and care… Svetochka and I have traveled many kilometers by car around this side of the world. One of the places we have been and seen personally is Transnistria… Many years ago I wrote about how America is using Transnistria as […]
[contentcards url=”https://ok.ru/video/3570730416″] How about another one? Watch a few videos on the site… Then you get to see the world that I live in now. I am proud to be part of such a world. My world happens to be a fish farm, but it is surrounded by the same fields and villages that you […]
[contentcards url=”http://www.internationalman.com//articles/the-madhouse”] Authored by Jeff Thomas via InternationalMan.com, The Madhouse: In the late 17th century, we British decided that, as a humanitarian effort and public service, we’d collect up all the people from the towns and countryside who were bonkers and confine them in institutions, so that society could be protected from them. As so […]
Last night at about 8 p.m. a surprise came. Sammy rolled up next to the village home and she looked and looks beautiful. She still has one day of work left, but it is to install several pieces that they had to rebuild by hand and they are finishing those pieces up… So in a […]
Foreground: The beginning of what is happening now… US strength as we know it know was built on technological innovation, some procured from within her borders and much more than we contemplate, procured from without her borders; US leadership was built on great institutions (but institutions not necessarily rooted in truth and honesty. But the […]
No specific order of images. Images taken by one of the guys working on Sammy the Volga and came from the Russian VK – ВКонтакте – https://vk.com and I grabbed them to post… They are putting the car back together right now and say that I can get it tomorrow afternoon? Almost there… WtR
Today at 3 p.m. I am suppose to pick up Sammy the Volga? Volga Do I believe? Not sure, for it is Russia and I will believe when it happens. Since many Russians are not driven by the same gods as are Americans! Things are always, “Tomorrow!” Therefore, today (Cегодня – – Cegodnya), never means […]
[contentcards url=”https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2017/08/04/long-list-of-americans-who-renounced-citizenship-is-more-about-taxes-than-trump/#102d58b616b9″] And… [contentcards url=”https://americansoverseas.org/en/americans-are-giving-up-their-citizenship-at-record-rates-but-not-because-of-trump/”] And… [contentcards url=”https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/08/03/2017-16318/quarterly-publication-of-individuals-who-have-chosen-to-expatriate-as-required-by-section-6039g”] And… [contentcards url=”http://intltax.typepad.com/intltax_blog/2017/08/2017-second-quarter-published-expatriates-second-highest-ever.html”] Hmm… Nuff Said… WtR
Oh My! Really? Are You Sure? Maybe, sometime before I pass from this earth… Sammy the Volga will come home to be part of the family again… She is going to be pretty… WtR
Cross my heart and hope to die… Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, wait a moment, I spoke a lie I never really wanted to die. but if I may and if I might my heart is open for tonight though my lips are sealed and a promise […]