I work in TRV and little eyes are watching…

I have been busy and you know when you get that feeling that someone or something is watching you?

I looked at all the village windows first and then after a few days, no one around, then they came out in the open. They (cats) are curious as to what I am doing. I make noise, I cuss when I smash a finger and I growl like a bear. Other words, I am grouchy…

The little kittens do not care and they come around to see what this Big Bear is doing…

Mommy Kitty is doing a great job and there are five kittens total. They all were hanging around our front door last night and kept asking, “What you doing?”


Tulsi Gabbard Slams Hillary Clinton after Hillary crawled out from under her rock…

But the coffee is great…

“If you desire peace you are attacked Pavlovian style and are declared a Russian agent. If you are for “War, Rape, Pillaging and Destruction” you are a true American and patriot. So what are your options?” – Me…

‘Queen of Warmongers’: Tulsi Gabbard Slams Hillary Clinton Over Russian ‘Grooming’ Claims – Wasting no time at all, Gabbard went straight for the jugular by calling Clinton “the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long.” “From the day I announced my candidacy, there has been a concerted campaign to destroy my reputation. We wondered who was behind it and why,” Gabbard tweeted. “Now we know – it was always you, through your proxies and powerful allies in the corporate media and war machine, afraid of the

Source: ‘Queen of Warmongers’: Tulsi Gabbard Slams Hillary Clinton Over Russian ‘Grooming’ Claims – Sputnik International

Hillary crawled out from her rock and stirred the waters…

This situation just made my mind up about who I will vote for in the next US presidential election…

No doubt I will vote for Tulsi Gabbard….and it is people like me who the establishment are scared to death of, like they were about Ron Paul (I fully supported Ron Paul) winning, and it shows in the Gov and the media…

I refuse to vote again for Trump. He has served his purpose and did exactly what I knew he would do and that is simply mess things up. He is one fine puppet president and should be proud of that fact. If that is what you aim to be. His only grace is that he kept Hillary out of the White House and that makes him a good president and a Russian Agent too boot…

Get ready for another Ron Paul exercise in destroying a good candidate…

I guess I am a Russian Agent…