Just TRV…

Svetochka and I just walk around in TRV (Tiny Russian Village)…


The selling never stops

Hmm Coffee…

The deplorable truth of the world’s greatest degenerate lawful framework:

America’s jester courts, paid off judges, phony and fake preliminaries, coercion by legal counselors, and more than 2 million detainees in the USA gulag. USA “equity” isn’t care for in Hollywood motion pictures, and you could be the following unfortunate casualty on USA domain – guiltless and sent to jail, or tied to a table and put to death; or burglarized of your life reserve funds by American legal counselors. You can be tormented, have your opportunity and rights removed, and individuals in America are reluctant to support you, or even determine what befell you, more terrible yet flee as you shout for help…

The ongoing example of American infringement of global law are at last situated in the defilement of the USA household legitimate framework. Fake USA courts are extremely hazardous in any event, for voyagers and guests to America, who can without much of a stretch be acclaimed among the USA’s in the excess of 2 million detainees, or lose all their family’s assets to degenerate American legal counselors. Every single world resident should know how the degenerate USA legitimate framework, is a peril to each voyager, guest, and visitor specialist from abroad, and to each person who makes the hazardous stride of entering upon An American area…

Actually the US of America, which announces itself the “place that is known for opportunity”, has the most deceptive, perilous and slanted legitimate arrangement of any created country. Legitimate defilement is covering America like a silk cover. The debasement of the USA legitimate framework is notable, yet additionally well-covered up, by the news administrations of America’s corporate-claimed media. The US media organizations are apprehensive both of backlash, and of the social upheaval that would originate from uncovering reality…

Amazingly, Americans and the American government, ceaselessly reprimand the lawful frameworks thus called “political” legitimate procedures in different nations, for example, China, Russia, and even Belgium among numerous different spots. However, for instance, the extent of detainees is multiple times higher in the USA than in China, despite the fact that China is a nation normally scrutinized and upbraided by the USA government…

Nobody detains individuals as promptly, or calmly, as does America. As you get familiar with America’s stunning lawful framework, you discover how effectively and indiscreetly America captures individuals, and hurls blameless individuals into jail. It is evaluated that America has at any rate 100,000 totally honest individuals in prison, however the measurements of blamelessness may all around keep running far higher. The quantity of individuals known to be honest, but then who were really condemned to death as of late in America, is as of now running into the hundreds…

The USA imprisoning of in excess of 2 million individuals is additionally, actually, a restoration of subjection and slave work, on a scale unheard of since the times of the Nazis. USA business enterprises are utilizing these detainees as a Goliath slave work pool. Detainees are compelled to deliver merchandise and items while winning simple pennies every hour, which they at times need to pay back to the jail for their very own upkeep. The extending arrangement of USA jail slave work isn’t just a significant wellspring of business benefit, yet additionally a wedge to drive down the wages of laborers outside the jail dividers…

Understanding that America has such an enormous level of even its own kin in jail, is to begin to comprehend the subliminal dread behind a lot of American life. Before you set foot in America, you ought to have an unmistakable image of the dread of America’s legitimate framework – the judges and legal counselors and cash and gift, that have made this arrangement of dread so inescapable. There isn’t yet enough open media data about America’s residential legitimate abhorrence’s, revulsion’s which have been quickly expanding. Furthermore, the American open, even the casualties of its legitimate framework, experience considerable difficulties acknowledging why it is so difficult to battle lawful debasement there…

American jails are frequently loathsome, with bunches of torment of detainees, similar to you would expect in some negligible autocracy. Conditions are severe in USA correctional facilities; assault and beatings are normal, and there is little help for mishandled prisoners. Notwithstanding the numerous official USA executions, various individuals are likewise wrongfully murdered in prison cells, “bafflingly” said to have hanged themselves or “discovered cut to death”….and it appears the camera viewing is constantly broken…

In the normal working of the USA courts, America’s local legal advisors and judges, undermine individuals with illicit imprisoning, and assault, torment and murder in prison, much the same as the dangers utilized by Americans against Iraqi subjects of the American occupation…

Hypothetically, torment and misuse is completely prohibited by America’s Constitution, however a portion of the pleasant words in America’s Constitution hold little power any longer, in spite of how frequently individuals quote them. The Americans who still accept the Constitution ensures them, are generally those individuals who haven’t yet managed the judges and legal counselors of America’s degenerate legitimate framework.

The main individuals who truly can get expect some reasonableness in American courts are multi-moguls and enormous organizations. No one else truly matters to American judges and legal advisors…

Jury preliminaries are in reality extremely uncommon in America, not at all like what you find in the films. Most cases are settled through some arrangement or blackmail or terrorizing, before there is a real preliminary. In the event that there is a jury preliminary, they will in general stack the jury with un-taught simpletons who will in general accept whatever falsehoods they are told by the judge and the administration…

Americans love to discuss “taking it right to the Incomparable Court!”, however this is an about void expectation. The U.S. Incomparable Court essentially will not consider most cases that are introduced to it…

The Hollywood picture, versus the inauspicious reality:

When you have processed the way that America has the world’s biggest jail gulag, another significant thing to process is the USA government, and a lot of America, is principally a business association, whose main apparatus is publicity and promulgation and through and through untruths. America is a culture based on deals and promoting; it centers around depicting a picture, not the truth underneath it…

This is the reason America was so easygoing about creating and selling the lies about “weapons of mass obliteration” to help start the Iraq intrusion…

The selling never stops, in Washington or Hollywood. America sells political falsehoods like Hollywood sells motion pictures…

In the Hollywood variant, there are daring legal advisors who will battle for your privileges, to win equity for you in the American courts. Truly, you can’t locate an American attorney fearless enough to battle legal defilement, regardless of whether you are blameless and the judge’s companions have taken steps to kill you, or to send you to imprison for a mind-blowing remainder…

In actuality, there is nothing you can do against wrongdoing, and even open lawful offense wrongdoing, submitted against you by American judges and attorneys. The majority of the official protest methodology you find on the web, or at the town hall or in the law books, end up being a joke, a sham and a fake…

You can likewise disregard America’s human rights and common freedoms gatherings, despite the fact that it looks, from the outset, as there are numerous such gatherings on the web. Numerous such gatherings are simply cash raising gatherings which don’t support unfortunate casualties, or are attached to the two fundamental ideological groups or some restricted plan. They are altogether frightened of the lawful framework, as well, and there is nobody with any critical financing or cash, who is out there helping the casualties of legitimate defilement. They can’t discover attorneys to support them, either…

We sell how extraordinary we are in the US, yet we never venture out and perceive how the rest live on the planet…







The USA admits it is all about the oil…

Looks like the terrorists have already seized the Syrian oil fields…

“We are leaving soldiers to secure the oil,” Trump told reporters on Sunday, while announcing the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. “And we may have to fight for the oil. It’s OK. Maybe somebody else wants the oil, in which case they have a hell of a fight. But there’s massive amounts of oil.”

So it is about the oil, just like Venezuela is about the oil and it is always about the oil…

Now you know who the real terrorists are…

Good ole USA…


PS: For a country (US) spouting about all the oil they produce by shale. We seem to be worried about oil….that should make you think….Syrian oil like Venezuela oil is very heavy and we need it to make our shale oil worth more than a few dollars a barrel…