2020 I call it the, Year of the re- +‎ initialization

The world economy is now effectively intentionally destroyed…

(re- +‎ initialization)

Push yes or no? That simple…

This is a once in a multiple lifetime event. The earth has never been this globalized and dramatized and then had all that chaos instantly reversed in its course, due to a full stop pandemic, called the Conronavirus…

It’s bigger than almost anyone knows because of the normalcy bias, but the world has just went upside down/backwards/face-plant. It doesn’t matter if it was organic made, nor if it was a caused event by man himself, it just matters that it has happened…

Obviously the reset we are watching is meant to be hidden in this event, given how it’s playing out, any politician that doesn’t use this crisis to fix his country for her people, isn’t thinking clearly and should not be in charge of said country…

This is perfect cover to just spew fiat money out like a raging whitewater river until that fiat dies and that they will do and do it magnificently… ~~

All the while tell you as they smile at the camera that, “All is good and under control!”

January was a freaky time. Trump actually illegally tried to start WWIII with Iran, then backed down when Iran made it clear that the US would lose thousands and thousands of men very fast, in all those illegal bases near Iran…

Trump had lost the Trade war with China. The US was slipping fast into the slow lane. A depression, not a recession was looming fast. Iran shocked us. Russia refused to roll over and die. Literally the world woke up to the lies coming from the Western Empire. Political correctness was reeking from the seams and we officially could be any gender (? even if not a gender) we wanted, from a daffodil to a even just a plain man! (Though being a man was and is bad still!) You could go on and on, but…

What you gotta lose at that point? Nothing when you have slipped that far into the drain hole…

Then when news about a virus in Wuhan first started to hit the web and western media, and one of the first points of emphasis was the demand for N95 masks by 3M. Within a week, while ~95%~ of America was dreaming of iPhone and Big Gulps from 7-11, 3M started running public image advertisements on TV. Now as of yesterday (after months) 3M has been allowed to produce masks for the officially for the US and they (3M) had been calling to be allowed to do this from the beginning….as they called out that we got problems, like an iceberg…

The western press is now running this news about 3M like the earth will be saved and the US allowed some miracle to happen! Masks are not in short world supply if you get them from China and other certain countries, those that have, have plenty. Masks would not be in short supply if 3M was allowed to do it by the FDA from the beginning…

At this same particular time you could also still see anti-vaping commercials from the CDC related to the pneumonia epidemic that had plagued young people since summer. Those ads said “there’s a epidemic going around, but it’s not a virus” with animated vapor globules infecting lung tissue. Ignoring the underlining cause the whole time….Never questioning why the USA was a hotbed of vape deaths?

2020 started off with fireworks and 2020 is officially a lost year…

I call it the, Year of the re- +‎ initialization …


Sent from my Huawei Mate 30 phone

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.