I love deplore the childish Mindset within the so called Western Elite, they opt out of long term contracts and instead gamble upon “spot pricing” with Russia on gas. They rather play the American game of “spot prices”. For within the casino – like the roll of the dice, pull of the one arm bandit […]
“Gas supplies to China over the Power of Siberia continue growing. On October 31, supplies at the request of the Chinese side reached a new record level and were more than 19% above daily contract commitments of Gazprom,” the company says.The Power of Siberia is the largest gas transport system in Eastern Russia for gas […]
Starting to look like we may all find out sooner than later… Who run Bartertown? Not who you think and or made to believe… WtR
My SweetPea is so cute: She grabbed the concrete part of the pole and tugged on it. No, it did not move and she said, “Nope you are not gonna move it!” This little Russian girl who is half my size….makes me smile and that brightens my life! But without farther adieu, we still tugged […]
Yesterday was warmer and a very nice day… Svetochka and I went to the Big Village and got a few things. Drove around and checked out the surrounding world and found that once again the Covid-19 lock-down made a ghost town out of our world. That is okay, we enjoyed looking around… Have a nice […]
Doesn’t matter what and why in the end. It just matters that the Covid-19 shutdown of everything literally in Russia has stopped the progress of things getting done for us in TRV… TRV: Culvert pipe is being delivered “probably Friday”…Today that is, by the Fish Farm… Nope, Culvert did not make it and the Fish […]
A big pipe same as used to fill the fish lakes in spring is being given to us to put in a culvert for our driveway. The Fish farm is done emptying the lakes and true to their word, they called Father Pavel and then Father Pavel called us and by this weekend we will […]
From “FaceMash” that allowed basically you to rate which ‘hot girl was hotter’….to “Facebook” which had a seedy and non profit for years beginning and allowed university students to connect and now, after many more seedy issues we have….”Meta” so that we can all live in the Metaverse ** and leave that nasty old fashion […]
New news on the package from the USA: As we all know it was shipped to Kenya and was expected to be sent to Russia from there? Nope! It sat in Kenya for about three months and now it has appeared back in Chicago, USA….(Tidbit, looks like Kenya does not even have a way to […]
I guess we all take after someone in the family and not always your parents & we really have no idea what we look like from a distance and how we look to others as they see us… A major reason that my brain connects to grandpa is that he died very old and my […]