I have spent two years trying to save the tree and this year it had come into its glory. It was a very beautiful and round ball of a huge tree. It had turned a golden hue for fall and then Old Man Winter blew his icy breath and twisted it right off half way […]
It is what I expected: United Russia Party slowly loosing ground to the Communist party. I have talked about it and know about it. It is as predicted….Putin long ago disaffiliated his presidents office and himself from any party. Putin is an independent and that is not realized by very many people. He does not […]
That old saying is my normality in the Tiny Russian Village. You just have to be adaptable and make things work… So, since my motherboard decided that it disliked the built in Wi-Fi card….which I have verified and then did a workaround….not a driver issue and not a smartphone hotspot issue, has now become a […]
America is one clown show after another. There is no end… WtR
Up at 2:30 a.m. and turned on the computer, start my coffee and started the internet… That is when it started….my wifi card in the computer said goodbye and there went the morning ritual. Very important for grouchy bears to have a morning ritual and the wifi gods decided to mess up my day… Yet, […]
So on August 30th, 2021 I happened to mention that the USA intentionally killed some people in Afghanistan. This is nothing new for the USA, yet in this case it was glaringly obvious that we did it to try some crash control as things went way out of hand as the USA farted around and […]
Or the monastery will get its original land back sooner than later… I watched them survey the whole back of the village yesterday… WtR At this point the church has over two-thirds of the top of the village… Just walking and seeing what is happening at The Tiny Russian Village (TRV).
I see it myself as you are on the internet. Google is being a real ass-wipe about what they send people in Russia on search results. The advertisements on companies like Mail.RU and many more are and is appalling… “As you know, the patience of the Russian side, which has so far refrained from erecting […]
A new term must be coined: Neologism ** For the progressives and liberals of the not so distant past are rolling in their graves at the injustices being laid in their names. All they fought for is being systematically destroyed in a manner akin to slaughtering the all the lambs to feed only one. We […]
Well last night I had to go into winter mode: Long underwear, heavy wool pants, two long sleeve shirts, wool socks, boots and coats out of storage. Looks like it will freeze this weekend? Summer so short, Fall got lost and Old Man Winter woke up. Go back to bed you old geezer… I know! […]