And we should support Ukraine? Nah, think I will pass…

Ukraine has rescended the citizenship of 13 priests of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church. Yes took away their Ukrainian citizenship…

And this was done on Orthodox Christmas!

Satanic anyone?

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, on December 28 signed Decree No. 898/2022. This suspended the citizenship of 13 priests belonging to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, as revealed on Saturday, January 7 by


Western Propaganda: Blah Blah Blah…

Here we are weeks away from the 1st anniversary of the war and my fellow Western Humans in the space of a single breath can tell me the Russians are evil, incompetent, nasty and under equipped and yet, also pose a death and destruction to all of the EU (our garden you know) and that “we” must do all “we” (“the World”) can to keep America in the EU to defend us against a Russia that desires to become the Soviet Union again…

Blah Blah Blah…


NATO just simply showed its true colors again and again…

It is subtle and it is effective…

Russia for basically the last year as this SMO has unfolded, has shown the world the true face and or color that the West hides behind. There is no facade anymore. The West has no clothes and has no more curtain that it is able to hide behind and pretend that it is special…

For Orthodox Christmas: Russian Federation has ordered to implement a 36-hour-long ceasefire from 12:00, 6 January 2023, to 24:00, 7 January 2023, along all the line of contact in Ukraine…

Medvedev on Christmas Ceasefire…

In fact…

Russia has done this pecking away at the facade of the West totally as planned. The rest of the world has to see for themselves how far gone the West truly is and how far down the rabbit hole they have fallen…

The NATO reaction to a ceasefire for Orthodox Christmas, as with Ukrainian reaction and as with the Collective West in totality reaction, was exactly as Russia knew it would be and was off the wall perfect, as proof of mentally unstable western mindsets…

Many countries already know how terrible and evil the West is. These countries have lived for many years under the crushing disease called the West. Look at Iran and Cuba! Cuba has been under illegal attack as long as most anyone can remember. Iran calls the USA – “The Great Satan” for a reason and Iran is correct…

Yet, proof and more proof is what humans seem to have to have tossed at them and Russia is supplying that proof…

The hate against the world by the Collective Western Countries is multifaceted and has many ways to look at this phenomenon. Yet, it is simply hate against the world, be that hate they toss around is of a desire to rule the world and are being stopped, hate of your religion, hate of what you have, hate of the truth, hate of skin color, hate of your freedom, hate of your family ties, hate of anything everywhere, unless it comes from the Collective West…

I said…

I think it is obvious now, that NATO is the forerunner for what will be the, “Army of the Antichrist”. – kKEETON

2023 starts and Russia showed again that the hate by the Collective West is complete and will not dissipate from behind the eyes of the sick running the West…

If we learn nothing else this new year of 2023 and learn it from the ashes of 2022, is that The Collective West are the countries collected to embrace the ideologies of Satan…

Iran is correct…

Now if we could just cut off that immortal head…

So, it is all looking rather chaotic…

Thus the truth comes out; Global NATO and that means NATO protects/destroys the world…


Medvedev on Christmas Ceasefire…

The hand of Christian mercy was extended to the Ukrainians on the Great Holiday. Their leaders rejected it. I think most of our military personnel taking part in the NWO calmly exhaled when they heard the refusal of the main Ukrainian Clowns to cease fire on Christmas. Less problems and slyness.

It is a pity for people who have lost the opportunity to go to church. But pigs have no faith and an innate sense of gratitude. They understand only brute force and shrilly demand grub from the owners. This is what training is based on. And it will be continued by Western swineherds.

Even the illiterate German grandmother Burbock and a number of others looking around the European pigsty managed to blurt out about the inadmissibility of a truce. Well, the heirs of the Nazis never spared either humans or animals. They are not accustomed…



MoD of Russia Reports for January 4th through 6th, 2023…

06.01.2023 (05:45) Upgraded T-90M Proryv tanks from a tank unit of Central MD continue combat training in the rear areas of special military operation Upgraded T-90M Proryv tanks from a tank unit of Central MD continue combat training in the rear areas of special military operation
06.01.2023 (05:00) Grad BM-21 MLRS of Southern MD annihilate AFU objects and positions in special military operation The crews moved into firing positions in several areas at once and destroyed a column of Ukrainian nationalist vehicles with precise salvos.
05.01.2023 (06:45) SMD T-72B3M tank crews destroy AFU firing positions and fortifications within special military operation The pointing is both case I, and case II. Fire is conducted at distances between 500 and 3,000 metres.
04.01.2023 (07:45) Eleron UAV crews from Pacific Fleet’s airborne assault marine units continue their combat action within special military operation The drones detect enemy strongpoints and firing positions, as well as transmit reconnaissance data to firepower for destroying targets.
04.01.2023 (06:45) WMD military medical units in action within special military operation The main purpose of the operations performed is to stop bleeding, remove debris and create all conditions for the wound to heal and then evacuate the patient.
04.01.2023 (06:10) Destruction of AFU strongpoints and hardware by high-precision projectiles of new generation The high-precision projectiles have got high efficiency and pinpoint accuracy.
04.01.2023 (05:00) Units of Russian Armed Forces continue countering reconnaissance groups and landing force of Ukrainian nationalists on left bank of Dnepr Russian Armed Forces continue protecting civilians who reside in the territories liberated during the special military operation, and repel Ukrainian militants’ attempts to attack crucial civilian infrastructure facilities.