If the Russians had given NATO personnel the green light, that would have been a mistake that would have to be corrected. NATO is significantly involved in this war both as an sole initiator and as a multi-participant. Any NATO soldier or officer – soldier or mercenary – who sets foot on Ukrainian soil must be treated as the scum they are and attacked without hesitation. NATO started this bloody war and must therefore pay a heavy price. – kKEETON…

And that is that…


MoD of Russia Reports for January 16th to 18th, 2023…

18.01.2023 (15:30) NBC Protection professionals practise blocking focus of simulated contamination in Altai The personnel reconnoitered the conditionally contaminated area, localised its limits, and identified the type of chemicals.
18.01.2023 (14:00) Pacific Fleet’s Marines attend shooting training in Primorye based on experience of special military operation Personnel practise operating Kalashnikov assault rifles, and RPG-7 shoulder-fired grande launchers.
18.01.2023 (13:00) Russian Aerospace Forces’ Su-35S fighter crews conduct air patrol, support bomber and ground-attack airplanes within special military operation Within one of the sorties, an AFU airplane was timely detected and destroyed.
18.01.2023 (12:00) CMD Buk air defence missile system crews destroy over 60 AFU targets within special military operation The personnel are tasked to detect, track, and destroy hostile aircraft and airpower, protecting Russian Armed Forces’ positions.
18.01.2023 (08:15) Armoured vehicle operators practise extreme driving BMP-2 within training in Buryatia The training had involved around 120 personnel, and over 30 pieces of armament, military and special hardware of EMD tank formation.
18.01.2023 (06:30) WMD 82mm automatic mortar crews continue launching fire strikes within special military operation The crews are also manned by personnel conscripted within the partial mobilisation, and volunteers.
18.01.2023 (05:45) SMD T-72 tank crews neutralise AFU positions on right bank of Dnepr Fire adjustment and damage control were performed by UAVs.
17.01.2023 (17:00) Two Tu-160 strategic bombers conduct scheduled flight over neutral waters of Arctic Ocean lasting All the flights of Russian Aerospace Forces’ aircraft are conducted in strict compliance with the international rules of using air space.
17.01.2023 (16:30) Separate missile brigade of WMD performs electronic launches of Iskander-M missile defence system In addition, the servicemen practised camouflaging of missile systems, performed standards for the deployment of operational-tactical complexes, and established stable communication.
17.01.2023 (13:45) Tactical training with mobilised servicemen of EMD takes place in Transbaikalia The focus was on the organisation of cooperation on the battlefield and the firing skills using various weapons.
17.01.2023 (12:30) Russian Defence Minister chairs session on building up Russian Armed Forces Large-scale changes of the Armed Forces’ structure, increase in their strength, amendment of military administrative structure of the Russian Federation to be introduced in 2023¬2026 will require all the deputy defence ministers, branch commanders-in-chief, commanders of military districts, the Northern Fleet, and arms to take relevant appropriate decisions.
17.01.2023 (08:15) Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu inspects headquarters of the ‘Vostok’ Group within his work in special military operation area The Minister of Defence of Russia placed the main emphasis on organising comprehensive provision to the forces involved in the special military operation, installing fortifications, and creating conditions for safe accommodation of personnel in field environment, as well as the work of medical and logistic units.
17.01.2023 (05:00) In territories liberated within special military operation in Zaporozhye region, the restoration of civilian infrastructure continues Repair work is carried out as part of the global reconstruction of water networks in Melitopol district of the region.
16.01.2023 (19:30) Bologovsky missile formation deploys Yars rocket launchers on combat patrol routes Strategic Missile Forces are performing tasks and missions, including intensive manoeuvring on combat patrol routes.
16.01.2023 (19:10) Russian airspace control facilities detect air target approaching over Baltic Sea to State border of Russia The trespass on the State border has been prevented.
16.01.2023 (18:00) Scouts from Russian military base in Tajikistan hone their abilities in severe combat vehicle driving. During the practical training sessions, drivers practise manoeuvring at speed by travelling as part of a convoy at maximum and minimum speeds.
16.01.2023 (15:30) CMD signal units practise deploying covert force control system in Siberia Personnel used modern equipment within the training: R-160-0,5 signal station, and P-240I-4 Pereselenets digital system.
16.01.2023 (14:30) Mobilised personnel train to eliminate simulated armour at the training ground of the Baltic Fleet During the practical phase of the exercise, the grenade launchers practised reconnaissance, identifying target types and distances to them, and destroying armoured vehicles and enemy personnel at maximum ranges.
16.01.2023 (11:30) Large landing ship Nikolay Vilkov (Pacific Fleet) conducts a landing on the coast during an exercise During the exercise, the Marines trained to seize and retain the coastal area until the arrival of the simulated airborne assault.
16.01.2023 (07:30) S-400 Triumf SAM systems conduct air defence training in Primorsky Krai As part of a comprehensive exercise, the S-400 Triumph SAMs trained to search, detect, and escort enemy aircraft at all altitudes.
16.01.2023 (05:05) Tank crews of Southern MD perform firing missions to eliminate AFU objects and positions within the special military operation Tankmen of the Southern Military District inflicted a fire damage on concentrations of manpower and military hardware of the enemy disrupting the plan of the Ukrainian troops to advance on the positions of the Russian Armed Forces.

Russia on 9th package of EU Sanctions…

⚡️ Statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry on response to the ninth “package” of EU sanctions against Russia

The European Union continues to try to put pressure on Russia through unilateral restrictive measures. On December 16, 2022, the EU countries adopted the ninth sanctions “package”. We consider such actions of the EU illegitimate, undermining the international legal prerogatives of the UN Security Council.

The European Parliament is also pursuing an aggressive anti-Russian line, having approved at its meeting on November 23, 2022 the resolution “On the recognition of the Russian Federation as a state sponsor of terrorism”. Once again, the double standards of the Western political community have been demonstrated, which since 2014 turned a blind eye to the killings of residents of Donbass by the Kyiv security forces.

👉 In response to unfriendly actions by the Russian side, the list of representatives of European institutions and EU member states has been expanded, which, in accordance with the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation” dated August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ, is prohibited from entering the territory of our state.

This is about:

• the leadership of the law enforcement agencies of the EU countries involved in the preparation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine within the framework of the EU mission to provide military assistance to Ukraine,
• leadership of European state and commercial structures that produce and supply weapons and military equipment to the Kyiv regime
• Citizens of EU states who have been seen in systematic public anti-Russian rhetoric.

Restrictions apply to individual members of the European Parliament.

❗️ We confirm that any unfriendly actions by Western countries will continue to receive a timely and adequate response.


Kadyrov on capturing of Maryinsky, Ukraine…

There is great news from the NWO zone, namely, from the Maryinsky direction! Soldiers of the Sever-Akhmat Special Forces Regiment named after the Hero of Russia Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov of the Russian Defense Ministry stormed the stronghold, including fortified positions. Most of the enemy manpower was destroyed, an impressive number of AFU soldiers were taken prisoner.

This node of resistance was equipped and consisted entirely of a line of trenches, camouflaged dugouts, rifle defensive structures and was located in an area advantageous to the enemy. The capture of the fortified area is a brilliant result of our soldiers. This line of defense was strategically important and its capture is a significant success on the Maryinsky Front.

Please note that under enemy shelling, Chechens provide first aid to prisoners. Literally a few minutes earlier, these persons, counting on the mercy of the victors, fired at our soldiers, and after the battle they save their lives. An indicative picture, clearly illustrating the sides of evil and good.

I am grateful to the soldiers of the Sever-Akhmat special forces regiment and its commander, Zaindi Zingiev, for the brilliant, tactically planned and executed operation! Victory will be ours, otherwise nothing! And may Allah bless you, BROTHERS!



Maria Zakharova talks about Necrophilia-2023…

The French authorities decided to stop cooperation with Russia on the issue of preserving and restoring the cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois, including refusing to accept money from our country for restoration. Le Monde wrote about it over the weekend.

This is some kind of Necrophilia-2023. The shame of blatant inhuman immorality.

Paris, obeying the herd mentality, came to war with the dead? The mass graves of soldiers of the Red Army in France, the authorities do not dare to touch yet, fearing the mass wrath of the enlightened French, who still cherish the memory of the Resistance and de Gaulle. Therefore, they came up with an idea to recoup on the graves of the Russian cemetery, where representatives of the colors of the Russian emigration found their last rest. It is useless to ask what Ivan Bunin and Boris Zaitsev, white generals, philosophers, poets, artists and publicists, including Albert Benois and Zinaida Gippius, did to the French. It is unlikely that the defilers of the graves from the Champs Elysees will be able to find at least some adequate answer. The cemetery, which was preserved even in Soviet times, is now making Paris hostage to its political disease. And this despite the fact that the graves, for example, of Napoleon’s soldiers in Russia are invariably maintained in a decent condition (but not worthy of the authorities of their compatriots today). And we honor the fighters of the Normandie-Niemen regiment on an equal footing with our heroes, we carefully keep the memory of them.

The wing of those who are pursuing a Russophobic course in France want to play on the fashionable abolition of everything Russian, while innocent Orthodox eight-pointed grave crosses of the Russian white emigration suffer. By the way, maybe that’s why so many people bequeathed to bury themselves in their homeland.

Our Embassy in Paris has already responded to the outrageous actions of the local authorities of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois: We consider it categorically unacceptable that political games in the West in the context of the Ukrainian crisis take such unsightly forms, jeopardizing the safety of the graves of long-dead Russians.

Perhaps Paris sends a signal to all “come in large numbers” that they fall into total dependence, not only during life, but also after death.

Do you know what I will say to those who left because they fell for panic, the cries of traitors and became a victim of either someone else’s malicious intent or their own cowardice (and it happens to everyone)? Remember one thing: if anyone accepts you, it is the Motherland. Hardly anyone will be here to fight for you and your return. Now there are more important things. But “to understand and forgive” is always, even when you categorically disagree.

Because we don’t leave ours.

Maria Zakharova