Kadyrov and Russian values…

Russia is a great country. And this greatness lies in the diversity of the peoples inhabiting it, in the common culture and national identity. There is no doubt that the culture and traditions of other peoples play an important role in the development of the all-Russian culture. This was once again confirmed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. ” Chechen culture is part of our common culture ,” he stressed.

At a time when universal human values, family foundations are being destroyed all over the world, open desecration of religion is called “democracy”, in Russia the spiritual values of entire peoples are protected and protected at the legislative level.

The country allows representatives of all nationalities to freely practice their religion. All conditions have been created here so that every person can live, study, work, raise children according to traditions and moral ideals.

Our ancestors fought for religion, for the right to pray, to build mosques, to adhere to their spiritual and moral values. Today we have all this thanks to the wise policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which is aimed at supporting the original culture of peoples, preserving and strengthening their foundations.

Today, in the zone of the special military operation, our brothers are defending this right, defending the Motherland from the satanic invasion, which wants to instill destructive ideas and values that are alien to us and destructive. May Almighty Allah help us in this righteous struggle and protect us from this evil!



Putin said on Gazprom Gaz…

Statements of the President of the Russian Federation:

🔹The decision to keep Gazprom as a single strategic complex turned out to be correct…

🔹 Gas will remain the most valuable resource for a very long time, the demand for which will only grow…

Yup, they got that right…


Russian companies drilled more oil wells in 2022 than in the past decade…

International Sanctions and the withdrawal of major Western firms have had the west spouting about hurting Russia. Except, it is the West hurting…

In fact as the West goes Duh! The opposite has happened (again)…

Drill Baby Drill…

This explains how the country’s (Russian) oil production recovered in the second half of 2022, even despite the introduction of additional restrictions on its exports, “Bloomberg” is acting surprised and amazed that the world seems to go onward as the West shoots itself in the foot time and time again…

But but but? – Major Western companies, including BP, Shell and Exxon Mobil, have all abandoned multi-billion-dollar investments in the Russia and have suffered huge losses because of their actions…

However, Russian oil rigs drilled more than 28,000 km last year, the highest figure in more than a decade, according to reliable industry data…

The data shows that the total number of wells started rose almost 7% to over 7,800, with most of the key oil companies outperforming the previous year…

All without western money!



MMA fighter Jeff Monson wants nothing to do with the USA…

Mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Jeff Monson said he launched the process of renunciation of US citizenship because he wants nothing to do with his country…

“ I am indeed going through the US citizenship renunciation process. This process may take a couple of months. I miss my family, but that’s about it. I don’t want to have anything to do with America. The US government and military are causing unprecedented suffering with their wars, sanctions, and meddling in the affairs of other countries around the world. I love Russia and the Russian people, I am happy here. But the reason why I renounce citizenship is due to disagreement with American policy. Both internal and external,” Monson said.

Monson was born in the United States. In 2018, Monson received a Russian passport and in September of the same year was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Krasnogorsk, Russia city district…

Good guy and I wish him all the happiness and he made the right decision, based upon the right reasons…


Is it time for Russia to remove USA civillian spy satellites?

Non military space based objects when used for military purpose will most likely be targeted. Civilian infrastructure in space being provided to Ukraine for military purposes may become a legitimate target for a retaliatory strike (c) Russian Foreign Ministry…

Think Starlink Satellites and other commercial satellites used for targeting by the USA are and will be military targets. Due to the usage by the USA of such technology. Against all rules of war of course…

This is rather only a political issue that is being hashed out by the Russian Duma…

The Russian Federation has the technical capabilities to destroy orbiting satellites and much more…

I say, send Starlink to the Davy Jones Locker of outerspace…

Sooner than later…