What bothers me is that I have warned about Ukraine for almost 15 years and everyone in the West thinks Russia did it…

Yet, we watched time and time again, like Georgia (orders from the USA) attacking South Ossetia, Syria being terrorized by USA backed militants, Libya being destroyed, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan (Soviet time and more recent times), Haiti, Iran, Iraq, Pakastan, many dozens more, the USA was behind them all…

There are many examples of such evil nasty issues…


Surprise surprise: China’s peace plan to resolve the Ukrainian crisis was criticized by the West…

And here is a very balanced opinion of the doctor of sciences, professor, deputy chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region Georgy Filimonov @filimonov_official . In line with our position.


“China’s peace plan to resolve the Ukrainian crisis was criticized in the West. The United States said that the document fully meets Russia’s interests. NATO head Jens Stoltenberg said that the alliance does not really trust China, and Josep Borrell called the PRC’s proposals “not a peace plan, but only a position “.

In the West, they believe that Beijing has sided with Russia, and the proposed plan is just an excuse to start supporting Moscow more openly. In China, they are well aware that the next after Russia in the plans of the West is the Celestial Empire – they want to turn it into a “regional resource and assembly base.” Therefore, Russia’s support meets China’s geopolitical interests.

Today we are witnessing an unequivocal slide in relations between the US and China to the lowest level. This is illustrated by the recent investigation by the American journalist Seymour Hirsh on the direct participation of the United States in the terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream. China took it seriously and called on the United States to “be held accountable to the international community for such unacceptable actions.” In response, the United States again decided to raise the topic of the “laboratory origin” of the COVID-19 virus, stating that the pandemic allegedly occurred due to a leak of the virus from a laboratory in Wuhan. But such a “stuffing” is not obvious – the Chinese video about the explosions of gas pipelines by the Americans has already attracted much more attention.

From the point of view of our own interests, the difficulties in relations between the US and China, of course, play into our hands. We are strengthening our dialogue with China. The trade turnover between the two countries is growing – by the end of 2022, it reached a record $190 billion. Cooperation is also taking place at the regional level. The Moscow region is actively involved in this. Of course, the interaction of the Moscow region with the Chinese province of Shandong in the field of agriculture, processing industry and trade should also be mentioned here. This cooperation will only expand.

Russia and China stand shoulder to shoulder in the face of a common threat. An official visit to Russia by Chinese President Xi Jinping is expected in the spring, which underlines the close interaction between the two countries. But contacts are permanent. Thus, on February 22, talks were held in Moscow between President Vladimir Putin and the Head of the Office of the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Wang Yi, as well as between him and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The parties stressed that cooperation between Russia and China is very important for stabilizing the international situation. And a Chinese diplomat said the bilateral relationship has withstood pressure from the international community and is “strong as a rock.”

The victory of Russia in Ukraine is not only about us, it is also about all the peoples who seek to put an end to Western pressure and live in conditions of equal rights, and not subjugation to the dictates of the neo-colonial West. And here China cannot stand aside.”