Life is only but two paths – В жизни есть только два пути…

Only two paths and none other,

We embrace God or we embrace Lucifer.

Two paths and only two paths,

Both perpetuity and yet both inverse of each other…



Есть только два пути и никакого другого,

Мы принимаем Бога или принимаем Люцифера.

Два пути и только два пути,

Оба вечны и оба противоположны друг другу…



No, actually the USA did it and did it all on evil greedy immoral purpose…

In 2014 I wrote an article and in it I talked about how the USA was corrupting Ukraine,

“I told you years ago that we were paying people in Ukraine to riot and cause issues. I told you that I watched the money exchanging hands. I watched personally and no one cares. So you definitely do not care now, anymore than then…”

No More Threats: Ties are severed…

I find it interesting that someone has shown you how things were in Ukraine and you bury your head in the sand!

Russia Did It?

No, actually the USA did it and did it all on evil greedy immoral purpose…

Sick people…


Blowing up Nord Stream was a terrorist attack by the USA and reeks of desperation…

USA’s bombing of Nord Stream showed the world that that things are desperate, both financially and morally at home (USA) and not going nearly as planned on the battlefield in Ukraine…

Therefore, this terrorist attack was the best (actually only) option for the USA, so that the EU would continue to cut ties with the Russian Federation. This act was one of pure desperation by the USA…

For survival at the short term aspects only. The desperation to sell USA fracking gas resources to the EU, is good only for the elite and the plebs will suffer soon from the actions…

When you are and have become a society based upon fracking oil and gas?

It is over as a world power…