Georgia on Fire, exactly what I said the USA was doing…

President of Georgia whom was just amazingly in Washington DC getting her new puppet orders, has canceled all meetings in the United States and is preparing an appeal to the population in connection with the protests in Tbilisi, media…


Police in Tbilisi fired rubber bullets and tear gas after protesters threw incendiary mixtures and stones at police, media…

No Georgia, you are bad and it does not matter that we do the same first…


Again the USA is trying to burn up a border country with Russia…

Georgia was demanded to start a front against Russia in the past and they refused. They also refused to follow all the illegal sanctions, They wanted to end the NGO’s destroying their country. And now they got the USA undermining their existence…

It is why Iran calls the USA, “The Great Satan!”


Excuse me! Did you forget something?

March 8th, International Women’s Day

March 8th in Russia is Very Important! (International Women’s Day)

Not too late!

Hug and Kiss time guys…