West is still starting that Holy War I see…

Kadyrov on Ukraine burning the Holy Quran. Updated with videos…

The Arab world reacted to the mockery of the Ukrainian Nazis over the Holy Quran:

🖋️ Burning of the Quran by the Ukrainian military could spark a religious war – Syrian figure

🖋️ The burning of the Koran by the military of Ukraine leads to conflicts between peoples – ex-minister of Yemen

🖋️ The Supreme Islamic Council of Algeria is shocked by the burning of the Koran by the Ukrainian military

🖋️ The head of Iraqi theologians urged to condemn the burning of the Koran by the Ukrainian military

🖋️ Turkish MP called mockery of the Koran by the Ukrainian military a provocation

🖋️ Hell is prepared for the Ukrainian military who mocked the Koran in this world – muftis

🖋️ Ukrainian military who mocked the Koran lost their human dignity – Bishop

🖋️ The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced a reward of 5 million rubles for the “liquidation” of a Ukrainian military man who mocked the Koran, and 10 million for taking him alive.

If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!”


Even Linux has fallen the Western Lies. Linux Kernel Organization, bad bad…


Компания Linux Kernel Organization, ответственная за разработку ядра операционной системы Linux, отказалась принимать правки в программный код, предоставленный специалистами «Байкал Электроникс». Предприятие занимается созданием российских процессоров Baikal.

Изначально на ситуацию указали авторы Telegram-канала «Ватфор | Автострадный think tank». Позже уже другой канал под названием «Логи внутренних диалогов» опубликовал скриншот, на котором запечатлена переписка сотрудника «Байкал Электроникс» Сергея Семина с одним из сотрудников Linux Kernel Organization.

Отказ он обосновал тем, что организации Linux Kerner «некомфортно» (don’t feel comfortable) принимать правки от российского предприятия. Семина попросили больше не участвовать в разработке ядра.

Разработчики российского ПО заявили, что это может привести к «тектоническим последствиям», если в дело не вмешается основатель Linux Линус Торвальдс (Linus Torvalds).

The Company Linux Kernel Organization, responsible for the development of the kernel of the Linux operating system, refused to accept edits to the program code provided by the specialists of Baikal Electronics. The company is engaged in the creation of Russian Baikal processors.

Initially, the situation was pointed out by the authors of the Telegram channel “Vatfor | Freeway think tank”. Later, another channel called “Logs of Internal Dialogues” published a screenshot depicting the correspondence of an employee of Baikal Electronics

The Company Linux Kernel Organization, responsible for the development of the kernel of the Linux operating system, refused to accept edits to the program code provided by the specialists of Baikal Electronics. The company is engaged in the creation of Russian Baikal processors.

Initially, the situation was pointed out by the authors of the Telegram channel “Vatfor | Freeway think tank”. Later, another channel called “Logs of Internal Dialogues” published a screenshot that captured the correspondence of baikal Electronics employee Sergey Semin with one of the employees of the Linux Kernel Organization.

Russian company. Semin was asked not to participate in the development of the core.

Russian software developers said that this could lead to “tectonic consequences” if Linux founder Linus Torvalds does not intervene.


Sent to WtR by email over the Hague ignorance…

Typical response now to what is happening with the west in general. The rose colored glasses have fallen and broken…

I say, “Thank God and it is about time!”

Мы не провтим НИ ОДНОМУ МИНИГОСУДАРСТВУ ЕВРОСОЮЗА предательства, ненависти к Русским. Запомните, вы навсегда дискредитировали себя, отныне вы недруги. Даже не прикасайтесь к России, а лучше исчезните.

Translated to English…

We will not forgive ANY MITIGATE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION for betrayal, hatred for Russians. Remember, you have forever discredited yourself, from now on you are enemies. Don’t even touch Russia, better disappear.


The Hague and the West; Never go full retard!

Comment by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova on Denmark’s refusal to investigate sabotage at the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines…

We paid attention to the statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, L. Löcke Rasmussen, containing a refusal to grant permission to the Russian side to participate in the investigation of sabotage at Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2.

It is well known that for two and a half years Denmark deliberately delayed consideration of the issue of granting Nord Stream 2 AG a permit to build the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the exclusive economic zone of the kingdom. A very significant attitude. Obviously, even then Copenhagen worked out the instructions of its overseas patrons.

This time, the head of the Danish Foreign Ministry called a spade a spade. Copenhagen, which so zealously defends US interests in Europe, was initially not interested in conducting an investigation that could shed light on the true perpetrators and customers of the terrorist attacks. The vague reaction of the Danish side to the information transmitted to it about the discovery by Nord Stream 2 AG of an object in the area of the welded joint during the survey of the SP-2 gas pipeline in February 2023 is another confirmation of this.

The Russian Foreign Ministry has repeatedly commented on the actions of the Danish authorities on Nord Stream. We emphasize that to date , the Danish authorities have not bothered to give any intelligible answer or provide any results of the investigation to any of the numerous appeals of the Russian side . And this despite the fact that it is Russia, as the owner of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines, that is the injured party.

Copenhagen did not consider it necessary to give any response to the official message of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation M.V. Mishustin sent back in October 2022 to the Prime Minister of Denmark M. Frederiksen with a proposal for the participation of representatives of the Russian competent federal executive authorities and PJSC ” Gazprom” in the investigation.

❗️ Despite the refusal of the Danish side to jointly investigate sabotage, the Russian Foreign Ministry will continue to seek answers from Copenhagen to the questions posed earlier. “Sweep under the carpet” this question will not succeed.

☝️ We proceed from the fact that only a comprehensive and open international investigation with the mandatory participation of Russian representatives is able to provide the public with reliable and objective data on the causes, perpetrators and customers of sabotage.

Maria Zakharova