The plane of Chinese President Comrade Xi Jinping will soon be in Moscow. Bonkerism in the West and in EU/Ukraine from this visit intensifies…

Putin’s program article was also published in “People’s Daily” timed to coincide with Xi Jinping’s visit to Russia..

Interesting points:

Vladimir Putin’s article in the People’s Daily “Russia and China – a partnership looking to the future”

1. A great opportunity to see a good old friend with whom we have the warmest relationship.

2. The main thing has remained unchanged – the strong Russian-Chinese friendship, which is consistently strengthened for the benefit and in the interests of our countries and peoples. The progress made in bilateral ties is impressive. Russian-Chinese relations have reached the highest level in their history and continue to grow stronger, they are superior in quality to the military-political alliances of the Cold War, there is no leader and follower, there are no restrictions or forbidden topics.

3. By the end of 2022, the already solid bilateral trade doubled and reached $185 billion. This is a new record. And we have every reason to believe that the $200 billion bar we set with President Xi Jinping will be exceeded not in 2024, but already this year. At the same time, it is important that the share of settlements in national currencies in mutual trade is growing and our relations are becoming even more sovereign.

4. Unlike some countries that claim hegemony and bring discord into world harmony, Russia and China are literally and figuratively building bridges. Thus, last year our border regions were connected by two bridge crossings over the Amur, which has long become a “river of friendship.”

5. We actively promote such democratic multilateral structures as the SCO and BRICS, which are becoming more authoritative and influential, gaining new partners and friends. The same goal is served by the work on conjugation of the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union and the One Belt, One Road initiative.

6. Together with like-minded people, our countries consistently advocate the formation of a more just multipolar world order based on international law, and not on certain “rules” that serve the needs of the “golden billion”. Russia and China are consistently working in the interests of creating an equal, open, inclusive security system not directed against third countries in the region and the world as a whole. In this regard, we note the constructive role of the Chinese Global Security Initiative, which is consonant with Russian approaches in this area.

7. The Collective West is clinging more and more desperately to archaic dogmas, to its elusive dominance, putting the fate of entire states and peoples at stake. The course pursued by the United States of dual containment of Russia and China, as well as all those who do not succumb to American dictates, is becoming more acute and assertive. The architecture of international security and cooperation is being dismantled.

8. Russia is open to a political and diplomatic settlement of the Ukrainian crisis. However, back in April 2022, the peace talks were by no means terminated by us. The future of the peace process depends solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, taking into account the prevailing geopolitical realities.

By the way, Kim Jong-un urged to be ready to use nuclear weapons…

BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) — A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled “Forging Ahead to Open a New Chapter of China-Russia Friendship, Cooperation and Common Development” was published Monday on Russia’s newspaper Russian Gazette and the website of RIA Novosti news agency ahead of his state visit to Russia.


PS: The Western Coalition is going bonkers, even worse than normal…


Happened final collapse systems of international law. – Medvedev…

We admit: it was not very effective before. Especially its international institutions.

The League of Nations collapsed, the USSR was thinking about withdrawing from the UN, conventions and other international acts are adopted today with difficulty, there is a complete engagement and dictate of a group of Anglo-Saxon countries.

But the main flaw of the system of international public law is its inefficiency . Countries do not want to implement biased acts of the UN General Assembly, veto decisions of the UN Security Council, leave various UN institutions. The reason is their injustice, which is based on the inadmissibility of coercion by a group of sovereign countries of the same sovereign states . FOR PAR IN PAREM NON HABET IMPERIUM. An equal has no power over an equal.

Let’s take this shitty, useless ICC, created on the basis of the Rome Statute, which the largest states did not join. Whom did he hold accountable?

Three dozen unknown persons. The President of Sudan spat on these accusations and, despite the military coup in his country, is not available for “justice”. The rest are not worth mentioning at all. In other words, their efficiency is zero. These are not the Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals created ad hoc. Or even the dubious tribunal for Yugoslavia. It is understandable.

After all, it is possible to judge a country and its leaders in two cases: 1) when the country itself has wildly weakened, almost lost its sovereignty and decided to recognize the court over itself; 2) when the country lost the war and capitulated. Otherwise, it’s impossible. And everyone understands this. By the way, the most discrediting episode, which killed the already almost zero authority of the court, is connected with the US crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. The court was completely overwhelmed and could not do anything. It is obvious that the powerful shout from the USA that we supposedly did not ratify the Rome Statute at all, fuck off pigmies, caused an animal urge in the judges to perform natural needs not related to justice.

And then they decided to try the president of another nuclear power that does not participate in the ICC on the same grounds as the United States and other countries. It is obvious that the most rigid input from the same Pindostan was received. It is clear that there is no practical value, but thanks for remembering.

But the consequences for international law will be monstrous. After all, this is the collapse of the foundations, the principles of law. Including the postulates of the inevitability of responsibility. Now no one will go to any international bodies, everyone will negotiate among themselves. All stupid decisions of the UN and other structures will burst at the seams. The gloomy decline of the entire system of international relations is coming. Trust is gone.

And further. The ICC judges got excited in vain. Look, they say, we are brave, we did not crap ourselves to raise a hand against the largest nuclear power. Alas, gentlemen, everyone walks under God and rockets. It is quite possible to imagine the targeted use of a hypersonic “Onyx” from the North Sea from a Russian ship at the Hague courthouse. Can’t beat him, alas. And the court is just a miserable international organization, not the population of a NATO country. Therefore, the war will not start. They will be afraid. And no one will regret. So, citizens of the judge, carefully look into the sky …



Kim Dotcom says…

German internet entrepreneur and political activist Kim Dotcom:

An international criminal court, which we do not recognize, has issued an arrest warrant for Putin for evacuating children from a war zone that is under fire from our weapons, and we ourselves have killed more than 20 million people in 37 victim countries since World War II.

Well it just shows us the pure hypocrisy that the west has become. What is worse is that the west is just plain sick in all ways…