Macron Smacron…

France is rising up against the tyrannical regime of Macron. Riots and strikes swept the country, people smash shops, set fire to police stations, block the work of airports, waste incineration plants, LNG terminals, refineries and highways…

Macron’s dictatorial regime must go. France will be a free country…


USA looks around blinking its eyes and says, “What we do?”…

USA looks around blinking its eyes and says, “What we do?”

This has all been proven, even if it has been covered up since then…

But since the USA did all these thoughts at the top of my head…

1. USA tried kidnapping and assassination of Nicolás Maduro…

2. USA tried to assassinate both Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez…

3. USA organized a coup d’état in Ukraine…

4. US involvement in interacting with ISIS structures in different countries.
5. The presence of US military biolaboratories and human experiments in Ukraine…

6. USA used and then lied about chemical weapons in Syria and the blamed the chemical attacks on the Assad government…

7. USA and Lukashenka’s assassination…

8. USA started multiple coups and wars in the Middle East and Africa…

9. The fact of profiting from the supply of LNG to Europe after the undermining and blowing up of the Nord Stream…

10. The presence of plans for a change of power in Russia and its political destruction..

11. Vietnam was only because of the USA…

12. USA blamed China for its biological attack on the world…

13. USA blamed vaping for deaths, when it was Covid-19 that the US released, themselves…

14, 15, 16, and on and on and on…

USA looks around blinking its eyes and says, “What we do?”


Or is that different?

Okay is it? The Frence supply weapons to Ukraine over democracy support?

Will Macron supply weapons to the French citizens support democracy and the Fench sovereignty?

Or is that different? ~~


On March 24, 1999, the North Atlantic Alliance, grossly violating the fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter, began the bombing of Yugoslavia…

For 78 days, the United States and its allies bombed cities, including Belgrade, and villages, civilian infrastructure, blew up bridges, passenger trains and buses, and killed women, children, and the elderly. It was then that the West, with its own hands, destroyed the foundation on which security in Europe was based in the post-war period, and launched the process of replacing the legitimate mechanisms that regulate international relations with a kind of “rule-based order”.

The use of depleted uranium munitions by NATO led to the contamination of vast areas and an unprecedented surge of cancers that people still suffer from to this day, including the troops of the Kosovo Force contingent brought there at the end of the war by the decision of the UN Security Council. Over 200,000 non-Albanian residents of the region have left their places of residence and still cannot return home.

Under the guise of NATO aggression, militants from the so-called. The Kosovo Liberation Army committed heinous atrocities, including the kidnapping of Serbs for the purpose of trafficking in human organs. Many of the criminals are still at large.

❗️ None of the representatives of the North Atlantic Alliance suffered any punishment . In turn, they simply decided to call the victims of aggression “collateral losses”, i.e. losses that “accompany” the implementation of the geopolitical ambitions of the United States, Great Britain and their satellites.

It wasn’t until some of the more egregious killings of civilians that the US military reluctantly offered its “apology.” The question of the responsibility of the North Atlantic allies for the damage they caused to international relations and to a particular country remains open.

☝️ NATO’s armed operation against sovereign Yugoslavia more than twenty years ago became a tragedy , the long-term and multifaceted consequences of which are still being felt.