Interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin RTVI, March 29, 2023…

🎙 Interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin RTVI, March 29, 2023

💬 We believe that a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine and Europe is possible with the cessation of hostilities by Ukrainian armed groups and the supply of weapons by Western countries, as well as the withdrawal of foreign mercenaries.

We need a neutral and non-bloc status of Ukraine, its refusal to join NATO and the EU, confirmation of the non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as recognition by Kiev and the international community of new territorial realities.

☝️ In addition, a prerequisite is the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, the protection of the rights of Russian-speaking citizens, the Russian language and national minorities, free cross-border movement with Russia, the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions by Ukraine and the West and the withdrawal of claims, the cessation of prosecutions against Russia, its individuals and legal entities .

It is important to restore the contractual and legal base of Ukraine with Russia and the CIS, as well as, at the expense of the West, the civilian infrastructure destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine after 2014.


❗️ We will not tolerate the existence of an openly anti-Russian state on our borders, whatever its borders may be.

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This is what I ask questions about all the time. Commentary of the Russian Embassy in the USA…

Commentary of the Russian Embassy in the USA

We paid attention to the regular statements of a number of administration officials about supporting the creation of a special tribunal against Russia.

Such statements are outright profanity , which has nothing to do with justice. The United States continues to demonstrate complete disregard for international law in favor of its own geopolitical interests. The frantic and unfounded accusations of alleged aggression, crimes against humanity and other violations are nothing more than an element of the Russophobic campaign organized by Washington as part of the unleashed hybrid war.

🇺🇸 The United States hypocritically and cynically refrains from evaluating the criminal acts of the Nazis who have settled in Kiev and have been terrorizing civilians for many years. They are silent here about their own role in fomenting the Ukrainian conflict. They continue to support the Zelensky regime through the endless supply of deadly weapons , as a result of which the civilian population , including children , is killed , kindergartens, schools and hospitals are destroyed.

⁉️ How can Washington talk about “responsibility for aggression” when the international community has not yet recovered from the catastrophic consequences of American adventurist interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan, the bombing of Yugoslavia and atrocities in Vietnam?!

Interesting, I just talked about a form of this, this morning…

So today, ask yourself why the Western Main Stream Media ignores the facts that Ukraine constantly kills civillians in cities far from the front line…