When you (USA) weaponized finances? (You get) Increase in de-dollarization…

China and Brazil just signed an agreement on trade in yuan. The Dollar which is weaponized and becoming worthless fast, will be excluded from bilateral trade between the countries…

Which by the way, the trade turnover between China and Brazil reaches 150 billion US dollars…

Also it just so happens that yesterday, the first deal to sell LNG to Europe for yuan took place…

The buyer was the French “Total”, which bought from the Chinese LNG supplied from the UAE, which (UAE) is also in the process of switching to trading for yuan…

Yuan going up, Dollar going down…

News of de-dollarization of the world economy…

The East must protect itself from the Satanic West…


Lavrov tells it like it is…

NATO is actually fighting on the side of the Kyiv regime, there is nowhere to get deeper into the conflict (c) Lavrov…

I am sure that the current level of confrontation is not the limit, and in the future we will see new levels of escalation, with further involvement of the US and NATO in the war. The next point of escalation is the supply of more long-range missiles and Western combat aircraft. The second half of summer – autumn 2023…


Foreign policy and diplomatic activity of Russia in 2022, very important read for actual facts…

📑 Foreign policy and diplomatic activity of Russia in 2022


ОБЗОР за 2022 2 link to copy of actual document…

🗓 2022 was full of events of a truly historic scale and in many ways became a turning point for Russia’s foreign policy. The new international realities required a serious adaptation of the foreign policy of our country in order to effectively solve the problem of strengthening Russia as a strong sovereign center of world development .

By early 2022, militarization and tension on Russia’s western borders, provoked by the United States and its satellites , had reached an unacceptable level . The refusal of the countries of the “collective West” to seriously consider Russian proposals for the development of mutual security guarantees finally confirmed their unwillingness to work on finding a compromise settlement of contentious issues.

Meanwhile, the accelerated preparation by the Kiev regime of a large-scale military offensive against the people of Donbass and Crimea created a direct threat to the national security of the Russian Federation.

Russia could not but react.

❗️ Considering the strengthening of Russia as one of the leading centers of development of the modern world and its independent foreign policy as a threat to Western hegemony, the United States and its satellites used as a pretext the measures taken by our country to protect their vital interests in the Ukrainian direction, went to the aggravation of many years of anti-Russian policy and unleashed a new type of hybrid war .

It is aimed at weakening Russia in every possible way , including undermining its creative civilizational role, power, economic and technological capabilities, limiting its sovereignty in foreign and domestic policy, and destroying territorial integrity. This course of the West acquired a comprehensive character and was fixed at the doctrinal level.

☝️ Domestic foreign policy has focused on solving a set of tasks to neutralize the anti-Russian aspirations of unfriendly states.

📄 From the review “Foreign policy and diplomatic activity of Russia in 2022”

🔹 The main efforts within the EAEU were aimed at the prompt adoption of joint measures to increase the stability of the economies of the member states in the face of worsening problems in the global economy and illegitimate sanctions of unfriendly states against Russia and Belarus. The potential and role of the CSTO were strengthened.

🔹 Russia consistently continued to work on solving the strategic task of transforming Eurasia into a single all-continental space of peace , stability, mutual trust, development and prosperity.

The Russian-Chinese relations of comprehensive partnership and strategic interaction have confirmed their special trusting nature .

The intensification of Russian-Indian relations was facilitated by the active interaction of representatives of the two countries at various levels, including at the UN, SCO and BRICS platforms.

🔹 Consistent steps were taken to deepen cooperation with the Asia-Pacific states that did not join the illegal Western restrictions on Russia.

🔹 Multifaceted mutually beneficial cooperation was strengthened with the states of a friendly Islamic civilization, which are becoming more and more popular and reliable partners of Russia in matters of ensuring security, stability, and solving economic problems.

🔹 Russia has made consistent efforts to improve the entire range of relations with African countries and regional associations, deepen trade and economic ties, increase their resistance to the destructive actions of unfriendly states and unions.

🔹 The countries of the region continued mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia on a pragmatic and non-ideological basis. A number of major Russian investment projects continued to be implemented in Latin American countries.

🔹 Under the pretext of starting the NWO in February 2022, contacts with Russia through NATO, the European Union and other multilateral regional mechanisms with the leading role of Western countries were limited or completely stopped on their initiative. The US and its European satellites have moved on to an aggressive anti – Russian policy .

🔹 With the beginning of the NMD, the United States finally secured the role of the main inspirer , organizer and executor of the “hybrid war” unleashed against Russia by unfriendly states. Under these conditions, it became objectively impossible to maintain full-fledged interstate relations.



Interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin RTVI, March 29, 2023…

🎙 Interview with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation M.Yu. Galuzin RTVI, March 29, 2023

💬 We believe that a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace in Ukraine and Europe is possible with the cessation of hostilities by Ukrainian armed groups and the supply of weapons by Western countries, as well as the withdrawal of foreign mercenaries.

We need a neutral and non-bloc status of Ukraine, its refusal to join NATO and the EU, confirmation of the non-nuclear status of Ukraine, as well as recognition by Kiev and the international community of new territorial realities.

☝️ In addition, a prerequisite is the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, the protection of the rights of Russian-speaking citizens, the Russian language and national minorities, free cross-border movement with Russia, the abolition of anti-Russian sanctions by Ukraine and the West and the withdrawal of claims, the cessation of prosecutions against Russia, its individuals and legal entities .

It is important to restore the contractual and legal base of Ukraine with Russia and the CIS, as well as, at the expense of the West, the civilian infrastructure destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine after 2014.


❗️ We will not tolerate the existence of an openly anti-Russian state on our borders, whatever its borders may be.

Read full