There is good news for the real world…

Yes, the good news is that once the real world repudiates the dollar all the funding for sick wokness and queerness and so much other twisted evil pond scum will be gone…

Lets see who is woke when the country goes broke and you are worried about food, rent and medical money…

Because, you have to have Rubles and Yaun to buy anything of real value…


Soft Power vs Hard Power…

The Chinese Minister Wang Yi’s reply to reporters immediately after the Saudi Arabia & Iran rapprochement announcement was a good indication of how China managed to do it. Wang Yi said: “The decisions about Middle East should be left to the people of the Middle East.” China does not impose its will on others unlike USA, nor take sides. China listens to both sides and then make suggestions that are acceptable to both sides, while respecting their decisions. USA always rig everything to turn it into benefiting USA’s elite interests instead, and when others disagree, threatens them. That is coercion, not diplomacy…


Libya was the red flag and Ghaddafi had done everything he was asked and more…

Where USA went massive rogue was Libya. Afghan and Iraq had all the ‘legal’ bells and whistles, Congress voted on it, the AUMF was created for it, etc. It was a “legal” clustercluck by the rules of the international game…

Libya is the damage. Ghaddafi had done the game re-ingratiating with the West – he hid his money in Swiss banks, gave up all the WMD desk programs, put on good show in his tent in New Jersey visiting the UN, hired Beyonce to sing at his kid’s wedding…that guy did everything the ruling hegemon had said were the rules to get along. He played the game. And first convenient chance the hegemon shivved him…

USA can pretend that didn’t happen. But everyone saw it. FJB stealing Russia’s US dollar reserves was a “F Russia” byline in USA media – but it was last straw for world trusting USA enough to trust dollar much as it has…


They unleashed a momentous shift to a monetary system not anchored in the dollar…

The turning point came on 26 February, 2022, when Washington’s neocons – in a glaring display of their shallow mental midget intellects – decided to freeze and or steal the reserves of the only nation (Russia) on the planet equipped with all the resources that really matter to humans and our lifestyle survival…

They unleashed a momentous shift to a monetary system not anchored in the dollar…


NATO lost up to 400 high level officers and help…

This is crucial. Arguably the first confirmation – via Kiev sources – of the devastating Khinzal attack on the NATO command center near Lviv. The Russian General Staff never announced it officially. Just Medvedev talked about some issues and NATO…

Medvedev on NATO stupidity and ignorance…

Looks like NATO got the message this time. They yanked a who bunch of Yankee’s, double time, out of Ukraine…