The Kremlin said that China has the right to respond to provocations…

MOSCOW, April 10 – RIA Novosti. The Russian Federation has witnessed provocative actions against the PRC, they have the right to react, said the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov.

“In a very short period of time, we have witnessed multiple actions that were provocative towards the People’s Republic of China. Of course, China has the sovereign right to respond to these provocative actions, including conducting military maneuvers in strict accordance with international law, and everyone should respect the right of China, just like other countries, to such actions,” Peskov told reporters.

Shi Yi, spokesman for the PLA’s Eastern Combat Command Zone, said on Saturday that the Chinese armed forces are conducting exercises and patrols in the sea and airspace around Taiwan on April 8-10 in accordance with the combat training plan.


Grinding NATO Reserves and Soldiers to the junk and trash they are and it is……

I do not believe that NATO, USA, EU and the rest of the Western Coalition ever dreamed that Russia would grind the best they have up and spit it back out at them…

Yet, here it is, for all the world to see, unless you chose not to see and or believe. NATO’s finest being ground up and killed…

I have talked about believing your own rhetoric…

Just like the west thought Russia was just a gas station…

The Empire of Lies and Chaos was actually the Empire of Hubris & Rhetoric…

Now maybe it is time to give a weapon to the Western Politicians, Military Officers and Wokey’s and put them on the Ukraine front with Zelensky?

Target practise for Russia? Not really. A duck shoot at the carnival? Without a doubt…


China says about Nord Stream…

Conducting an objective, impartial and professional investigation of the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions is critical: Chinese Foreign Ministry

Проведение объективного, беспристрастного и профессионального расследования взрывов на газопроводах “Северный поток” критически важно — МИД КНР


Russia stop pretending the West matters…

With the Western goals, everything is clear, they are predictable. They are easily exposed. You do not need to answer the West about anything, and thus they forget what they were doing and start a new childish game. – kKEETON

So Russia just stop even caring about what the Western Coalition thinks, about anything. Soon, China will follow and the Western Psycho’s will be talking to themselves…


Vedant Patel, Deputy head of the press service of the US State Department, does not look at and know any news obviously…

Deputy head of the press service of the US State Department Vedant Patel about the seizure of the temples of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ukraine:

“I have not seen such reports and I can’t say anything about it, but I’m ready to return to this later.”

Okey Dokey, everyone…

I guess he has blinders on? Or he just lies?
