NeoCon is actually NeoLib…

The Con stands for conservative. Since conservative is just a word with no meaning these days, NeoCon works fine, as opposed to the actual word NeoLib. But they are basically in reality the same, so it works perfectly anymore…

Yet, to read it as NeoLiberal…

Yes they are sick and have always been sick..


The Western Golden Billion has already heard the fat lady sing…

They took on the world and don’t even have any resources to back it all up with. They thought they were gods…

It is now impossible to backout, after the USA created COVID-19 and attacked China, Iran and accidentally (kinda) itself with Covid. But looking to anti-up the US provoked war in Ukraine intentionally through NATO. All part of a plan of world conquest…

Ukraine has been destroyed , Europe is de-industrialized and impoverished and the US has built an insurmountable debt, that has nowhere but up to go. The war in Ukraine is unwinnable by the west, Ukraine/west will have to accept the status quo…

Ukraine will have lost a large portion of its younger and older men, many people who have sought refuge in other countries may never return…

The EU garden of poison ivy is just that, poisoned…

That fat, lesbian, transgender, gay lady is singing in all her prescription hormonally induced voices…

La la la…


Chinese space station achieves 100% oxygen regeneration…

Chinese space station achieves 100% oxygen regeneration

BEIJING, April 13 (Xinhua) — The Chinese space station, where the crew of the Shenzhou-15 spacecraft is currently in orbit, has gained the ability to generate 100 percent of its energy. of their oxygen reserves using the onboard regeneration system. This became known at the conference on space technology, held in Harbin /the administrative center of Heilongjiang Province, Northern China/.
