Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures in case of seizure of Russian assets abroad…

«В связи с необходимостью принятия безотлагательных мер в ответ на недружественные и противоречащие международному праву действия США и примкнувших к ним иностранных государств и международных организаций, направленные на незаконные лишение Российской Федерации, российских юридических и физических лиц права собственности»: Путин подписал указ об ответных мерах в случае изъятия российских активов за рубежом – передаче во временное управление иностранных активов.


“In connection with the need to take urgent measures in response to unfriendly and contrary to international law actions of the United States and foreign states and international organizations that have joined them, aimed at illegally depriving the Russian Federation, Russian legal entities and individuals of property rights”: Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures in case of seizure of Russian assets abroad – transfer of foreign assets to temporary management.

Well well, who woulda thunk it?


Poland wants a slice of Ukrainian pie…

The Poles answer the question “Should Poland receive part of the territories from Ukraine for the assistance rendered to it?”:

✔️ “From a historical point of view, Lviv could return to Poland, as there is already a large Polish community there, so this would be the best option for us”

✔️ “Lviv was part of Poland and if you look at history, you can argue that they could have returned it to us”

✔️ “Financial compensation, in my opinion, would be desirable. If they were ready to give up part of their land in exchange for our help, I think no one would be offended.”

✔️ “Ukraine could give Lviv to Poland, since in our history it belonged to Polish territories”


Talked about this already. Poland wants what they say is their land back…