Why is Ukraine shelling innocent villages and towns?

It seems from reports by the locals taht the Ukrainian government is shelling the town of Gorlovka in the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic)…


There is nothing of any military value at that village!

Ask, “Why?”

You know the answer and this is what you in the west support and it is what the Ukraine has done since many many years now…

Kill civilians…


Gotta study more about the truth behind this issue and it is an issue…


В Подмосковье появится американская деревня

«Американская деревня», в которой поселятся 200 семей из США, начнет строиться в Серпуховском районе Московской области в 2024 году.

Об этом сегодня на 11-м Петербургском международном юридическом форуме заявил генеральный директор юридической фирмы «Виста эмигрейшн» Тимур Беслангуров, передает корреспондент «ПолитНавигатора».

The “American Village”, which will house 200 families from the United States, will begin construction in the Serpukhov district of the Moscow region in 2024.

This was announced today at the 11th St. Petersburg International Legal Forum by Timur Beslangurov, General Director of the law firm Vista Emigration, a PolitNavigator correspondent reports.

“Basically, they are Orthodox Christians. Americans and Canadians who, for ideological reasons, want to move to Russia. The project is financed entirely by the foreigners themselves. There is no state or local funding, but the approval and support of the government of the Moscow region was required,” Beslangurov said.

According to him, tens of thousands of people from Canada, USA, Australia, Germany want to move to Russia.

“In Germany, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of Russian Germans who want to move to Russia. The reasons are known. This is the planting of radical left-liberal values ​​in the West, which have practically no borders. Today they have 70 sexes, tomorrow it is not clear what will happen. Many normal people who are also there do not understand this, and they want to emigrate. And many choose Russia, but here they face a huge number of bureaucratic problems related to the imperfection of Russian migration legislation,” Beslangurov said.

One of the most important motives for foreigners to move to Russia is religious.

“There is such a category in America – traditional Catholics. They don’t support the Roman Catholic Church. These are conditional Catholic Old Believers. This is not a sect, these are white Americans with many children who strongly believe in Fatima’s prophecy, according to which Russia will remain the only Christian country in the world. They follow very closely what is happening in Russia. In America, they are recognized as domestic terrorists, and therefore potentially hundreds of thousands of such Catholics would be ready to move to Russia,” Beslangurov said.


Hmm… I dunno?


This is whom is behind what is going on…



“There is no freedom of speech there (USA). If you don’t think like them, you get sanctioned.” Russian spokesman Peskov said…

“To suddenly break that monopoly is impossible,” Peskov said.

“But when we tried to compete with them a little, they immediately became hysterical. They tore off all masks right away and showed there is no freedom of the press over there. The moment any outlets became ‘uncomfortable’ to them, the moment they started presenting viewpoints different from their mainstream, they were banned.” Peskov said.

“They sanction journalists. That seemed unthinkable 10 years ago,” Peskov said.