Russian and Belarusian defence ministers sign on non-strategic nuclear weapons…

Western nations have basically been waging an undeclared war against Moscow and Minsk, according to Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was speaking on 25 May 2023 with his Belarusian colleague Viktor Khrenin. Sergei Shoigu stated, ‘Today we are facing the collective West, which is virtually waging war against our countries’.

‘The NATO’s military activities have become as aggressive as possible’. ‘The joint armed forces of the alliance in Eastern Europe are being made more combat-ready through the implementation of a number of initiatives. The deployment of more military personnel and facilities, as well as an increase in training and reconnaissance operations close to the Union State’s frontiers,’ said the head of the Russian military department.

He also noted that Western nations who provide Ukraine with military assistance are escalating the conflict and prolonging it.

‘Everything is being done to prolong and escalate the armed conflict in Ukraine, which is being supported militarily in every possible way,’ Sergei Shoigu said.

Sergei Shoigu opened the discussion by saying that their meetings ‘have recently become regular’. ‘This is especially crucial in light of the fast growing tensions, the breaking of the foundations of strategic stability, and the extraordinary rise in international confrontation’. The Russian Defense Minister emphasised that Belarus has been and will be a dependable partner and a devoted ally.

As Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu stated, the two countries are working to strengthen their shared defence area in light of the current military and political situation.

‘We are carrying out activities to reinforce the common defence space in collaboration with the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus while taking into consideration the military and political environment,’ Sergei Shoigu stated during his meeting with Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin in Minsk. ‘The major focus is on training the troops and improving their combat skills’.

According to him, the militaries of the two nations undergo combat cohesion of military units that are a part of the regional force grouping.

‘As part of the Belarus-Russia unified regional air defence system in the Republic of Belarus, Russian aviation and air defense assets are on alert,’ said Sergei Shoigu.

‘Close cooperation in the military-technical sphere and cooperation of defence industry complexes have been established,’ he said.

‘In the circumstances of an extremely sharp escalation of threats and activity of NATO joint nuclear missions, we are compelled to take retaliatory measures in the military-nuclear sphere. The deployment of Russian Federation non-strategic nuclear weapons on the territory of the Republic of Belarus has been planned in accordance with the decision of Supreme Commanders-in-Chief of the Russian Federation,’ Sergei Shoigu stated.

He emphasised that Belarus had received the Iskander-M operational and tactical missile system, which can employ missiles in both conventional and nuclear forms.

‘Some Belarusian aircraft have been upgraded for potential nuclear weapon employment. Military personnel have received the appropriate training,’ Sergei Shoigu stated.

Sergei Shoigu and Viktor Khrenin put their signatures on documents outlining the process for storing Russian non-strategic nuclear weapons in a special facility at the Republic of Belarus.

Sergei Shoigu stressed that the actions taken by Belarus and Russia ‘complied with all relevant international legal responsibilities’.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu emphasised that Moscow retained control of all non-strategic nuclear weapons and the authority to decide when to use them.

Sergei Shoigu stated that ‘Russia is not transferring nuclear weapons to the Republic of Belarus: control over them and the decision on their use remains with the Russian side’ when signing the documents outlining the process for storing Russian non-strategic nuclear weapons in a special facility on the Republic’s territory.

Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin signed the documents on behalf of his country.

According to the Russian Defence Minister, ‘more steps may be taken to safeguard the Union State’s security and to respond to the military and political situation’.


Medvedev on Ukraine’s Future…

I recently wrote why Ukraine will disappear.

Now is the time to say how Ukraine will disappear, as well as what is the risk of renewed conflict in Europe and in the world.

This will depend on which path the process of disintegration of this dying state will follow as a result of a lost military conflict. There are two of them. Or the path of relatively slow erosion of Ukrainian statehood with the gradual loss of the remaining elements of state sovereignty. Or the path of its instant collapse with the simultaneous annihilation of all signs of statehood. In any case, after such a collapse, three scenarios are likely.

First. The western regions of Ukraine are coming under the control of a number of EU states with the subsequent “Anschluss” of these lands by the recipient states. At the same time, a certain “no man’s” Ukrainian territory will remain, which is squeezed between Russia and the lands that have come under the sovereignty of a number of European countries. The remaining ownerless territory announces its succession from the former Ukraine, its international legal personality and its intention to return the lost lands by all means. Naturally, meaning only those lands that became part of Russia. At the same time, this “new” Ukraine immediately declares its desire to join the European Union and NATO, which is happening in the medium term. The armed conflict resumes after a short time, turning into a permanent one, but with the threat of its rapid spillover into a full-fledged third world war.

Second. Ukraine disappears after the completion of the NWO in the process of its division between Russia and a number of EU states. The government of Ukraine is being formed in exile in one of the European countries. The conflict ends with reasonable guarantees of its non-resumption in the near future, but with the preservation of the terrorist activity of the Ukrainian Nazis, who will be dispersed on the territory of the EU states that received Western Ukrainian lands. The risk of the resumption of a full-fledged conflict or its escalation into a world war in this case can be considered moderate.

Third. The same thing happens as in the first case, but with the opposite sign. Western lands of Ukraine join a number of EU countries. The people of the central and some other ownerless regions of Ukraine within the framework of Art. 1 of the UN Charter immediately declares its self-determination by joining the Russian Federation. His request is granted, and the conflict ends with sufficient guarantees of its non-recurrence in the long run.

There are simply no other options. And this is already clear to everyone, even if it is unpleasant for someone in the West to admit it.

We may be temporarily satisfied with the second option, but we need the third one.


TASS wrote:

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. The conflict in Ukraine may continue for decades if the very essence of its neo-Nazi government is not eliminated, the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev, told reporters during a visit to Vietnam.

“This conflict is for a long time, for decades, maybe. It is a new reality, new living conditions,” he said.

He is convinced that if the incumbent Kiev regime remains in power, “there will be, say, three years of truce, two years of conflict and then everything will go over again.” “The very essence of the neo-Nazi rule in Kiev needs to be eliminated,” he added.

You think you will just sit around and use up their (elite’s) resources?

Europeans are Zombie Stumbling into being used as cannon fodder for the USA and EU elites. The west is and or are police states where all opposition is quashed and thus the civilians are actually very scared…

There is no shortage of “Judases” within the west, taking bribes from Washington and selling their souls for power…

The west is resource poor and they want to eradicate some zombie plebs…

Robots will do your job, what? You think you will just sit around and eat up their (elite’s) resources?


The Chinese noted the symbolism of the synchronous gait of Mishustin and Li Qiang – Beijing and Moscow are also walking “in step”…

A video of the meeting between Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Premier of the Chinese State Council Li Qiang in Beijing has made the rounds within Chinese social networks…

China and Russia arein step with the new world…

Big meeting by the way, very big…



Just some reading material…

Kinda why and how, just a ~bit of a mistake~ made in the West…

Yes, the Western economic mentality is a ~bit of a mistake~ as it is based on a consumption based system. Meanwhile, most southern economies are dependent on what they can produce and what they receive. Because of this, most people in the Global South appear to be less affluent than the average Western citizen. This is also why the western economy is on the brink of collapse, while other countries outside the western economy don’t seem to be too badly affected, unless of course, they have sold their soul to the West. – kKEETON

BRICS is offering a get out of debt free card…

BRICS + don’t want, don’t need, that weaponized USA dollar…