Medvedev on, “The old fool Senator Lindsey Graham”…

Старый дурак сенатор Линдси Грэм сказал, что США ещё никогда так удачно не тратили деньги, как на убийства русских. Напрасно он так. В его любимой Америке регулярно убивают не только обычных людей, но и тратят грязные деньги на убийства сенаторов.

Пусть он вспомнит печальную судьбу
Роберта Кеннеди,
Хьюи Лонга,
Клементы Карлоса Пинкни,
Джона Мильтона Эллиотта,
Уэйна Оуэнса, а также других американских политиков.

Translated English…

The old fool Senator Lindsey Graham said that the United States has never spent money so successfully as on the murder of Russians. It is in vain that he is so. In his beloved America, not only ordinary people are regularly killed, but dirty money is also spent on the murder of senators.

Let him remember the sad fate
Robert Kennedy,
Huey Long,
Clements of Carlos Pinckney,
John Milton Elliott,
Wayne Owens, as well as other American politicians…



Russian Embassy in USA talks about USA whining over nukes in Belarus…

Commentary of the Russian Embassy in the USA

📌We paid attention to the statements from the White House and the State Department that have become more frequent in recent days regarding cooperation between Russia and Belarus in the military-nuclear sphere. We are again accused of irresponsible and provocative behavior.

📌 We would like to emphasize that we are talking about the sovereign right of Russia and Belarus to ensure their security in the ways that we consider necessary in the context of a large-scale hybrid war unleashed by Washington against us.

📌 At the same time, the measures taken are fully consistent with our international legal obligations. As Minister of Defense General of the Army S.K. Shoigu stated, Russia does not transfer nuclear weapons to Belarus: control over them and the decision on their use remain with the Russian side.

📌 Washington, before blaming others, should have done introspection. The United States has kept a formidable arsenal of its nuclear weapons in Europe for decades. Carry out “joint nuclear missions” with NATO allies. They are working out scenarios for the use of special ammunition against our country.