Yadro is a Russian future happening right now…

So, little things like sanctions by the west have huge wonderful consequences in the Russian future…

Yadro Company – Just follow this link and see for yourself…

I have been looking at this company called Yadro and was thinking if this is true, game changer all the way…


OREANDA-NEWS  The Russian Yadro group of companies has presented its first Kvadra_T tablet, its price is 40 thousand rubles, the device will work on the Kvadra OS system, an expanded version of the product will be released for customers from the corporate and public sectors running the Aurora mobile OS, Yadro said in a statement.


Svetochka (my sweetpea), whom she is an IT specialist within the Russian Eco-system, has confirmed that Yadro is a real thing and a fantastic company. I was glad to hear that and it confirms my findings…

All I will say is…

Russian home grown and home made and created processors, computers, OS’s for all, laptops, tablets, servers, smartphones and all else to do with chips and circuit-boards and such. Are now on the cusps of being totally a Russian reality…

That is why I love Russia…


Hmm, and what do we call constant riots and arresting people in France?

Update: Fifth night of riots – France is getting closer to declaring a state of emergency

Update: Riots continue for the fourth day in France. Hmm…

Statement by French President Emmanuel Macron, “the rebellion in Russia shows the differences that exist within the country, the fragility of its army and auxiliary forces.”

Now isn’t that special?

Russia had something interesting happen for a day and France is on its third night of riots…

France has been a country of riots for years now…

Hmm, Now isn’t that special?


This is France right now…


Hmm, looks kinda messed up to me…

I see that they are arming the riot crowd and bring out new equipment to fight the crowds. Looks kinda like almost a revolutionary process going on in France?

Or is France being penalized for talking to China?

Let us watch and see…


According to the French newspaper Le Parisien, 3,880 fires were counted last night on public roads. Some 1,919 vehicles were burnt as well as 492 buildings.


And yes gotta say it is Russian badness…

China sees the writing on the wall…

The writing is clear, even if the USA is illiterate…


China’s military power is primarily used for strategic deterrence against the US, making it so that although the US has military advantages, it dares not resort to military blackmail against China. In addition, our military power is used to defend core interests, especially when it comes to the resolution of the Taiwan question, we must have the final say. We adopt a defensive military strategy, but in the Taiwan Straits region, we have gradually formed a local absolute military advantage. We will not engage in military confrontation with the US in regions far away from China’s core interests. However, if the US military comes to China’s nearby waters, especially if it intervenes militarily in the Taiwan Straits and assists the “Taiwanese military” in a possible future Taiwan Straits war, the People’s Liberation Army will not hesitate to “beat the crap out of” those US troops. We will always make our determination clear to the US.