Russian Embassy in Mexico… June 1st, 2023…

Russian Embassy in Mexico:

❗️ We noticed a video circulating in the Mexican media and social networks, in which a representative of one of the Mexican drug cartels in the state of Tamaulipas carries an anti-tank grenade launcher (presumably) AT4 of Swedish-American production on his shoulder.

This type of weapon is actively supplied to Ukraine.

As long as the West continues to mindlessly and uncontrollably pump weapons into the Kiev regime and make huge money from it, we are probably witnessing the consequences of these irresponsible actions already in Mexico.

☝️ It has long been clear to everyone that Ukrainian corrupt officials have adjusted the channels for supplying weapons received from the West to the global black market, which, in turn, further undermines security and provokes a sharp aggravation of the crime situation in different regions of the world.

The West does not realize and does not want to take these risks.


Asia has alternative to SWIFT – media…

The Asian Clearing Union (ACU) – a nine-member group of central banks including those of India – Pakistan and Iran – has decided to launch a new cross-border financial messaging system in June – as an alternative to SWIFT

The daily cited Central Bank of Iran deputy governor Mohsen Karimi as saying the new payment system is capable of completely replacing SWIFT and could facilitate the global de-dollarization push.

The regulator reportedly stated last week that the new financial system will be used only by ACU member-states – but that others – including sanctioned countries like Syria – could apply for membership. Belarus and Mauritius have already reportedly reached out to the union.

Speaking at the ACU meeting in Tehran last week – Central Bank of Iran governor Mohammad Reza Farzin claimed that dropping the US dollar would help to protect member states’ foreign exchange reserves while still enabling effective settlement of bilateral trade deals.

Iran’s economy minister recently revealed that less than 10% of the US-sanctioned country’s international trade was being conducted using the dollar, down from 30% two years ago.

Russia has already banned SWIFT

Russia started developing its own national payment system when the US first targeted the country with sanctions in 2014.

Last year – when Moscow was hit by further sanctions in response to its military operation in Ukraine – including the blocking of many Russian banks from SWIFT.

The government started promoting the domestic system as a reliable alternative.

Russia’s SPFS ensures the transfer of financial messages between banks both inside and outside the country.

According to the Russian Central Ban – the system now has 469 participants- including 115 foreign entities from 14 nations.


About the next facts of global surveillance by the United States…

⚡️ About the next facts of global surveillance by the United States

The Russian competent authorities have established another fact of systematic global surveillance carried out by the US intelligence services over citizens of their own and other countries with the involvement of American IT companies. This time , covert data collection was carried out through software vulnerabilities in US – made mobile phones .

The revealed facts again convincingly prove what Moscow has repeatedly warned about: US intelligence agencies have been using IT corporations for decades to massively collect data from Internet users without their knowledge. Evidence of such illegal activity appears every year.

The question of the need to restore order in this area, develop universal norms of behavior in the digital space based on respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms and the sovereign equality of states was regularly raised at all specialized international platforms. In January 2021, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted a Statement in connection with the violation of the principle of freedom of speech by global American Internet companies, calling for the development of an international convention regulating their activities. Practice shows that Washington is not ready to listen to our proposals.

The USA is a state that puts itself above the law. Evidence of the “double standards” of this country, its intelligence services and companies in the field of international information security (IIB) have been repeatedly presented to the UN.

Once again, we call on all interested parties to form clear and fair regulatory mechanisms in the digital sphere, which are mandatory for all states and, in particular, for information and communication technology (ICT) developers. This is the aim of Russian initiatives within the framework of the UN Open-ended Working Group on IIS. <…>

❗️ No state has the right to abuse its technological capabilities in such a sensitive area as access to personal data of smartphone users.


From the interview of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.A. Ryabkov to the International Life magazine (May 26, 2023)…

🎙 From the interview of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.A. Ryabkov to the International Life magazine (May 26, 2023)

On the Concept of Russian Foreign Policy

The concept confirms our choice in favor of an independent development path. Emphasizes the balancing role of Russia in international affairs, its special position as an original state-civilization , a vast Eurasian and Euro-Pacific power.


The agreement has not sunk into the past. It remains a kind of reference norm, but, of course, its entire operational component is completely frozen, and I see no prerequisites for a change to take place here.


Russian-American relations have now become just one of the platforms in the common struggle of those who stand for a more just and multipolar world, and those who seek to defend and strengthen, strengthen the historical hegemony of the collective West.


In the current period [the emergence of a new similar agreement] is unrealistic . The deepest hostility of NATO to Russia, the desire against all odds to dictate to Moscow its own conditions and demands completely knock the ground out from under such undertakings.

#НАТО expansion

The fact that the security of Finland itself, as well as the security of the United States, will not be strengthened as a result of the next expansion of NATO is an obvious fact for me, which in time will not be denied either in Helsinki or in Washington.


Against the backdrop of large-scale geopolitical challenges and fundamental changes taking place in the world today, interest in BRICS is steadily growing . BRICS is perceived as one of the “pillars” of a new, more just world order, as it offers the world creative, unifying, forward-looking initiatives.