📄 The Parliamentary Commission to Investigate the Circumstances Related to the Establishment of Biological Laboratories by American Specialists on the Territory of Ukraine publishes its final report…

The document systematizes all the information available to the Commission about the US biological programs in Ukraine. In particular, it contains a detailed analysis of the regulatory framework, the main areas of biological research conducted by the American side on Ukrainian territory, as well as their impact on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Ukraine.

❗️ Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the US biological programs on the territory of Ukraine have a dual purpose : they can be used for military purposes.

Key messages:

🔹 The geography of US biological research is not accidental: they are carried out in the proposed areas for the deployment of contingents of HATO member states. In fact, conditions are being created for possible aggression directed against Russia.

🔹 By implementing biological programs on the territory of Ukraine, collecting biosamples and even studying the reaction of the local population to some pathogens, the United States creates for itself not only the ability to simulate the spread of local and total epidemics in this region, but also the ability to manage them.

The United States maintains and develops the ability to create biological weapons components and, if necessary, to produce and use them outside the national territory.

The United States violates a number of provisions of the 1972 UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction.

🔹The facts of US violation of the international legal regime established by the Biological Weapons Convention (BTWC) also testify to the imperfection of the existing norms and the urgent need for a comprehensive strengthening of the BTWC regime.


Medvedev on iPhone…

Medvedev certain smartphone producers cooperate with secret services

“On Thursday, Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said it had uncovered, jointly with the Federal Protective Service (FSO), a US intelligence operation that used a virus program on Apple mobile devices. The company itself responded by claiming it was not cooperating with US intelligence.

“When any, even the largest high-tech company, says it refuses to cooperate with the national intelligence community for ideological reasons, it can mean one of the two things: a) it is shamelessly lying, or b) it is about to go out of business. There are no miracles,” Medvedev said in response to journalists’ questions about whether he believed Apple’s statements. “This should be kept in mind by the owners of any smartphones, whether Apple products with iOS closed to all users, or Samsung with Android open to third-party applications.

According to the FSB, several thousand Apple phones belonging to both Russian subscribers and foreign users “using SIM cards registered to diplomatic missions and embassies in Russia, including NATO and post-Soviet countries, as well as Israel, China and Syria,” were infected. The company gives vast opportunities for controlling any persons of interest to the White House, the FSB concluded.

On Thursday, it was reported that Kaspersky Lab had detected a targeted cyberattack being conducted using Apple mobile devices. Several dozen iPhones of the company’s employees were infected with spyware. It was stated that no effective way of removing such software had been devised yet.

Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov, while commenting on the situation to the media, stressed that all employees of the Presidential Staff were prohibited from using iPhones for official purposes.”



BRICS no longer ‘alternative,’ but mainstay in global politics — India’s top diplomat…

“BRICS is no longer an ‘alternative,’ it is an established feature of the global landscape. The message of reform that BRICS embodies must permeate the world of multilateralism,” the top diplomat wrote on his Twitter page.

“The Friends of BRICS strongly support UNSC reform,” Subrahmanyam Jaishankar went on to say. According to the foreign minister, “BRICS is not only an expression of multipolarity but of the many and diverse ways of meeting international challenges.”

The BRICS group of nations seeks to build “a fairer, inclusive and open international architecture with sustainable development at its core,” he tweeted. “Creating resilient and reliable supply chains are central to ensuring that no one is left behind,” the foreign minister stressed.

The Friends of BRICS ministerial meeting was held earlier on Friday in Cape Town. It was attended by foreign ministers from the BRICS nations and 12 countries of the Global South who are interested in joining the group, namely Argentina, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, the Comoros, Cuba, the United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia.

On Thursday, Cape Town hosted a meeting of top diplomats from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) who, among other things, discussed the idea of the group’s expansion.”