Kim Jong-un (congratulating Putin on Russia Day)…

“The resilient and wise Russian people, deeply rooted in a vast territory, have for many years created a proud history and culture, have walked a glorious path of development, demonstrating the dignity and imposing appearance of a mighty state.

Today the struggle of the Russian people to thwart the increasing threat and challenge of hostile forces trying to undermine the sovereignty, security and peaceful life of the country is entering a new turning point by the right decision and under the leadership of Comrade Putin.
Justice will always prevail, and the Russian people will continue to glorify the history of victory – an inherent tradition.

Our people express their full support and solidarity to the people of Russia, who are striving to implement international justice against the willfulness and arbitrariness of the imperialists.

Kim Jong-un (congratulating Putin on Russia Day).


Russia needs to remember the fate of the American Indian…

What treaty have the Sioux made with the white man that we have broken? Not one. What treaty have the white man ever made with us that they have kept? Not one. – Sitting Bull

So Russia has to look at the past with the USA and accept that nothing that the USA says and or does is true. Russian white man is not the white man that is in Europe or North America…

One step farther on that thinking; The many humans whom stole the North America and has gone to live (immigrate) there since that theft, is not trustworthy in anyway…

Nuff said…


France wanting to go to BRICS?

France is naught but a puppet of the wealthy, a simple mouthpiece of the system in the west. Thus, Please invite me to BRICS summit, please please please… It is also an attempt to garner Russia and China’s attention and let the wealthy in the west find a way to sneak away from the woke west…

When money is your god?

You always go where the money is and the west is a sinking sip…

No loyalty within the elites, except to their money god…