Vladimir Putin at a meeting with military correspondents…

* If the shelling of Russian territory continue – Moscow will have to consider creating a sanitary zone in Ukraine so they cannot get us;

* The goals and objectives of the special operation change in accordance with the current situation – but in general they are of a fundamental nature;

* Russia is gradually and methodically engaged in the demilitarization of Ukraine – the Ukrainian defense industry will soon completely cease to exist;

* What is happening now in Ukraine will never suit Russia – there will never be anything neo-Nazi;

* The Ukrainian counter-offensive is large-scale – using strategic reserves- it began on June 4 and continues right now – the enemy had no successes in any of the sectors;

* Now there is an attack by Ukraine in four directions;

* Ukrainian losses in personnel during the counter-offensive are approaching catastrophic.


Medvedev on a subject I have been talking about, The Transatlantic type cables…

Two good morning thoughts

1. Yesterday the President of Russia spoke about the need to create a demilitarized (sanitary) zone for the security of our country. Given the hostile decisions to supply the Kyiv regime with more and more long-range weapons, such a line should pass along the borders of Lvov (Polish Lemberg) in order to play a real defensive role. Then this will be the new safe borders of what used to be called “country 404”.

2. If we proceed from the proven complicity of Western countries in undermining the Nord Streams, then we have no, even moral, restrictions left to refrain from destroying the cable communications of our enemies, laid along the ocean floor.




The Transatlantic type cables for Nord Stream…

Also I have talked about a buffer zone, a very very big buffer zone…

Nuff said…


The counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the “sanitary zone” in Ukraine and the goals of the NWO. What did Putin say to the military?

Russia does not feel the need for additional mobilization, and there is no need to declare martial law throughout the country, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday at a meeting with war correspondents.


According to him, Moscow can create a “sanitary zone” in Ukraine in the event of continued shelling of border areas, and its goals, although being adjusted “in accordance with the current situation,” have not fundamentally changed. Speaking about the Ukrainian counter-offensive, the President noted that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have not yet achieved success in any sector and are suffering heavy losses.

TASS collected Putin’s main statements.

On the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Kiev’s large-scale counter-offensive, which began on June 4, continues, but to no avail: “The enemy was not successful in any of the sectors. They have heavy losses.”

The Armed Forces of Ukraine lose 10 times more than the Russian forces, and “the structure of losses is unfavorable”: “Usually, irretrievable losses are 25 percent, maximum 30. They have almost 50 to 50.”

Kiev has already lost more than 160 tanks and over 360 armored vehicles of various types, “this is about 25%, maybe 30% of the amount of equipment that was delivered [to Ukraine] from abroad.” Russia has lost 54 tanks, but some of them are subject to restoration and repair.

About mobilized and contract soldiers

Russia does not need a new wave of mobilization : “The Ministry of Defense reports that, of course, there is no need for mobilization today.”

The mobilized “sometimes it is necessary to gradually return home < …>”, but the law does not provide for specific deadlines : “It will be necessary to proceed, first of all, from the availability of personnel, from how the situation develops on the line of contact, how the special military operation”.

Since January, more than 150,000 contract soldiers have been recruited in Russia, “and together with volunteers, 156,000 people.” Last week alone, 9.5 thousand people signed contracts.

Soldiers of volunteer detachments must sign contracts with the Ministry of Defense: “This is the only way to ensure social guarantees.” At the same time, changes in legislation are also needed to bring everything “in line with common sense.”

About conscripts

Conscript soldiers will not be sent to the zone of a special military operation, including to new regions of Russia, “there is no need, as the Ministry of Defense reports, to send them to this zone.” At the same time, conscripts will continue to be in the border areas.

About the destruction of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

Russia was not interested in undermining the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station because of the dire consequences for its territories: “Who is guilty is clear. The Ukrainian side was striving for this.”

Moscow did not record “big explosions” before the destruction of the dam, but Kyiv had previously repeatedly attacked the hydroelectric power station: “Maybe they once again added something insignificant, and destruction began.”

The flood “unfortunately < …> thwarted their (Ukrainian – TASS note) counteroffensive in this direction”, although “it would be better if they attacked there”: “It would be very bad for them to attack there.”

On martial law and border regions

“On the whole , it makes no sense to introduce some kind of special regime in the country, martial law , there is no need for this today. We need to work more carefully on some issues.”

Kyiv’s attacks on the border areas are connected with an attempt to divert Russian forces from other directions. In response, Moscow will strengthen the border , and “this task will also be solved.”

If shelling from Ukraine continues, the Russian Federation will have to consider creating “some kind of sanitary zone ” on Ukrainian territory, so that it would be “impossible” to reach Russian regions from outside it.

The Russian authorities will “help pointwise, for each family, for each housing construction” affected by Ukrainian shelling: “Funds will come and are already coming from the government’s reserve fund.”

On the possibility of negotiations with Kyiv

Russia has never given up on negotiations that could lead to a peaceful settlement. In Istanbul in the spring of 2022, representatives of Moscow and Kiev initialed a draft agreement, but the Ukrainians “just threw it away later, that’s all.”

If the Western countries really want the end of the conflict, it is enough for them to stop supplying weapons to Kiev: “The Ukrainians themselves do not produce anything, they will want to negotiate tomorrow. Not formally, but in essence.”

About shells with depleted uranium

Russia reserves the right to use shells with depleted shells in response to their use by the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “We have a lot of such ammunition, < …> and if they use them, we also reserve the right to use the same ammunition.”

“There is nothing good here, but if necessary, we are able to do it. We do not need to do it.”

About veterans in the leadership of special services

Veterans of a special military operation should be ” moved ” in the hierarchy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “but not only”: “They can also be “moved” to law enforcement agencies, to special services.”

On the development of “defense”

Defense production in Russia increased by 2.7 times over the year, and by 10 times in the most demanded areas. Now “tens, hundreds of private enterprises that have never had anything to do with the military-industrial complex have joined this work.”

During a special military operation , it turned out that “many things are missing” – precision-guided munitions, communications equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles. But if not for the operation, the country’s leadership “probably never understood how to fine-tune < …> the defense industry” so that the Russian army “was the best in the world.”

About the grain deal

Russia is “thinking about withdrawing from the grain deal ” because it was “once again deceived”: although Moscow was promised to remove obstacles to its exports, “nothing has been done to liberalize the terms of supplies.” At the same time, for Kyiv, food exports are now the main source of foreign exchange earnings.

Moscow is participating in the grain deal for the sake of the friendly countries of Africa and Latin America and is ready to supply them with the amount of grain they received through this agreement free of charge.

About the goals of the NWO

The goals of the special military operation are adjusted “in accordance with the current situation,” but do not change in general: “On the whole, of course, we will not change anything. They are of a fundamental nature for us.”


MoD of Russia Report for June 13th, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (13 June 2023)

The Russian Aerospace Forces tonight launched group strikes by long-range precision air-based weapons against locations where AFU operational reserves were amassed, as well as a foreign-made ammunition and weapons depot.

All the assigned targets have been engaged. The goal of the strike has been achieved.

Over the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian troops continued to attempt to carry out offensive operations in South Donetsk direction, as well as near Artyomovsk.

In the Vremevka salient, the Kiev regime launched an offensive by the units hastily formed from the remnants of the Ukrainian brigades which had previously suffered heavy losses.

Three attacks by Ukrainian units reinforced with tanks and armoured fighting vehicles were repelled in the area of Makarovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) over the past 24 hours.

All the attacks were repelled by courageous and decisive actions of Vostok Group of Forces, air strikes and artillery fire. Of the ten AFU armoured personnel carriers involved in the attacks, eight were eliminated. Eight of ten AFU armoured personnel carriers involved in the attacks were eliminated.

Two enemy attacks have been successfully repelled in the vicinity of Rovnopol (Donetsk People’s Republic) during the day. Two Ukrainian tanks and three armoured fighting vehicles have been hit.

Most of the personnel of an AFU company tactical group and four infantry fighting vehicles were neutralised as the Russian troops repelled the attack near Prechistovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Total enemy losses in those areas during the day were up to 275 Ukrainian troops, four tanks, fifteen armoured fighting vehicles, eight vehicles, and an Msta-B howitzer.

Two enemy attacks in the direction of Klesheyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic) have been successfully repelled by the Yug Group of Forces to the south of Artyomovsk (Donetsk People’s Republic) during the past 24 hours.

The enemy failed to break into the Russian defence.

Up to 350 Ukrainian troops, two armoured fighting vehicles, and six motor vehicles were neutralised in the fighting.

In Kupyansk direction, aviation and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces inflicted fire damage on the units of the enemy close to Ivanovka (Kharkov region) and Rozovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

In addition, actions of one sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been thwarted near Timkovka (Kharkov region).

More than 35 Ukrainian servicemen, one armoured personnel carrier, one pick-up truck, and one D-20 howitzer have been destroyed during the day.

In Krasny Liman direction, Operational-Tactical and Army aviation and artillery of the Tsentr Group of Forces engaged the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Nevskoye and Belogorovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), and the Serevryansky forestry.

The enemy has suffered losses of up to 60 Ukrainian troops, two armoured fighting vehicles, four motor vehicles, one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, and D-30 and D-20 howitzers in this direction in the past 24 hours.

In Kherson direction, up to 30 Ukrainian troops, three motor vehicles, one Msta-B howitzer, and one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer have been neutralised over the past 24 hours.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Group of Forces have engaged 98 AFU artillery units at their fire positions, manpower, and military hardware in 114 areas during the day.

Air defence forces have intercepted three Storm Shadow cruise missiles and ten HIMARS MLRS projectiles during the day.

In addition, six Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been destroyed in the areas of Staromlynovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Rabotino (Zaporozhye region), Korsunka (Kherson region), Pshenichnoye and Novokrasnyanka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

In total, 442 airplanes and 238 helicopters, 4,585 unmanned aerial vehicles, 426 air defence missile systems, 9,939 tanks and other armoured combat vehicles, 1,122 combat vehicles equipped with MRLS, 5,100 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 10,927 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.