USA is trapped by it’s own hubris…

A more significant disagreement with China is developing, despite the West appearing to be equally unprepared to wage war with it as it is in the country of Ukraine…

We continue doing the same thing in the hopes that it will eventually succeed. While doing so, the home front in the USA came perilously near to being annihilated. when security is widespread throughout the globe…

Nobody seems to understand that missiles are real, not an apparition, not a video game and definitely not something godmode will cure. They are real…

Hubris has its place, but believing in your hubris will lead to your demise. – kKEETON

While you stay fairly comfortable in the fact that no one has done to you as you do to them. The realization is that the USA is in a very bad nefarious grey area right now and if they step too far over into the dark side, we Americans will find that the ocean is a tiny place in this day and age. Actually even if the USA steps back? The damage done will be generations to correct. This is a very bad issue…

It does effect you and the issue that you chose to ignore such an affect is your downfall, not anyone else’s…

So many good people (50% are decent and 45% are bat@#$% crazy and 5% are psycho certifiable) in the USA and yet everyone seems to say, “I am scared to say something and it is not effecting me anyway, besides it is all the governments problem.”

You hear time and time again, “Not me, but our government!”

Too many western people feel that they are indispensable and thus they garner the issue at hand as something that is ethical against the world. Yet, if you stop for even one second and look around you and really open your eyes, the real world is being forced to gather its forces and put down the rabid dog…

“The Western Coalition” and or “The nasty Coalition” as I call it, is only actually at best about 35 countries out of ? 195 countries at last count. These 35 countries are questionable due to the fact that many are being strong armed into doing what they do right now…

So while we tend our gardens and bitch about our government in the USA, we are walking a bitter path of death. Just look around you. What do you see?

I see and saw…

The world has an Arrears of Freedom…

Nuff said…


It is interesting that we always keep repeating the same mantra…

Like the best example is, “NATO is fighting to the last Ukrainian!”

Or, Ukraine has no options, but NATO!

So on and so on…

Latest is, “Zelensky has no way out for his NATO masters won’t let him out!”

Then I say, “One message by Kiev to the Kremlin and sincerity in that message, Kiev will be saved by Russia.” I also say, “Zelensky could have and or could still get refuge in Russia!”

Yes, Russia is a good country and they will always do what is correct. Even when you try to cut their throats…

From the beginning there is always other options and it is the path you chose that makes your future. – kKEETON

There is always many paths to the end…


Again I say, “It is about time!” (Russia moves to ban sex changes)…

Keep going Russia and clean up those nasty laws that the west imported at the Soviet collapse…

The Russian parliament on Wednesday advanced the proposal to outlaw almost all sex reassignment surgery, as well as gender changes on official documents. Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin cited US statistics as an argument to proceed quickly and “ban all this fornication.”