🎙 S.V. Lavrov’s interview to the Russian society “Knowledge” “on the sidelines” of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum ( June 17, 2023 )…


💬 The frenzy with which the West now requires everyone to “punish” the Russian Federation, not to communicate with us, reflects its understanding that there will be no unipolar world anymore . These convulsions that we are now seeing, agony to some extent, can last for many years.


💬 If someone tells me that since the coup d’état in February 2014, the Kiev junta has represented people living in Crimea, in the southeast of Ukraine, then everyone will understand that this is a bluff . Just like P.A. Poroshenko and V.A. Zelensky, their regimes do not represent the people who voted to be part of the Russian Federation.


💬 Russia must remain itself , continue to create opportunities for the development of art, science, education and openly share its achievements with all countries of the world, as we have done so far. It is impossible to “kill” Russian culture, no matter how hard anyone tries.


Tourist potential of Moscow will be presented in Beijing…

ST. PETERSBURG, June 15 (Xinhua) — The Moscow City Tourism Committee will hold a presentation of the Russian capital’s tourism potential in Beijing next week, Yevgeny Kozlov, chairman of the Moscow Tourism Committee, said at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) on Thursday.

According to E. Kozlov, representatives of Mostourism are currently in Guangzhou, and will arrive in Beijing next week to discuss possible cooperation with local travel agencies.

E. Kozlov expects to launch group visa-free agreements between Russia and China by the end of summer 2023. Such agreements can significantly increase the flow of tourists between the two countries.

SPIEF has been held since 1997. This year it takes place from June 14 to 17, the main theme of the business program is “Sovereign development is the basis of a just world. Let’s unite efforts for the sake of future generations.”