China sees the writing on the wall…

The writing is clear, even if the USA is illiterate…

China’s military power is primarily used for strategic deterrence against the US, making it so that although the US has military advantages, it dares not resort to military blackmail against China. In addition, our military power is used to defend core interests, especially when it comes to the resolution of the Taiwan question, we must have the final say. We adopt a defensive military strategy, but in the Taiwan Straits region, we have gradually formed a local absolute military advantage. We will not engage in military confrontation with the US in regions far away from China’s core interests. However, if the US military comes to China’s nearby waters, especially if it intervenes militarily in the Taiwan Straits and assists the “Taiwanese military” in a possible future Taiwan Straits war, the People’s Liberation Army will not hesitate to “beat the crap out of” those US troops. We will always make our determination clear to the US.


Natural Gas is the future. Anything Oil can do Natural Gas can do better…

In the past we were attacked online and even our lives threatened about my stance on Natural Gas. I had seen the writing on the wall and it was simple facts of supply and demand. NG demand is and will continue to expand and oil will continue to drop in demand. The world runs on hydrocarbons and NG is what is plentiful…

LNG, Gas, Gaz what ever you call it, don’t call it late to supper…

Gas (Gaz) is becoming King and SCO has followed…

Natural Gas is Taking Over The Throne…

Russia: Will Oil Lose Its Crown?

Well, it has become fact now and a brunt of why things are changing in the world…