Western IOC and Western leaders are acting the fools after Russia starts its own Olympic style games…

Russia’s decision to hold its Olympic Games in 2024 is causing concern in the West, leading to aggression from the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In response to onerous conditions and double standards, Russia decided to give the IOC an unpleasant surprise.


But then what is new. The west was acting the fool anyways over eastern Olympic teams…

~ But but but, we are the west and the best! ~


Whatever, foolish nasty Neocons…

Sorta interesting, USA military impaired neocons are kinda ignorant to the fact that Russia is now the strongest, well trained and well equipped military power on the planet…

This happening is due to the neocon policy of trying to steal Russian resources and dividing Russia up…

Soon they will be able to ignore the facts about the second strongest, China also…

Then maybe they can ignore the third strongest, North Korea…

Whatever, foolish nasty Neocons…