Considering the Russian people defended President Putin and the Russian government…

Considering the Russian people defended President Putin and the Russian government…

The coup d’état that the CIA, M16, and Ukrainians put together to help Prigozhin incite an armed rebellion failed. It is readily apparent that the West feeds directly into its own rhetoric that the Russian people are enslaved and fed up with Putin and that all they’re going to have to do to install a new government, is to start some sort of revolution…

In 2008 I talked about the huge increase in Anti-Russian rhetoric and look where we are now!

They reportedly tweaked Prigozhin’s ego by assuring him that if he facilitates in a regime change, he would soon be the new leader of Russia. They genuinely did endeavor to, I guarantee. Prigozhin is an extremely dangerous egomaniac with a huge ego, has become a criminal, who dreamed about becoming the most well-known Russian…

It’s time for President Putin, as you indicated, to remove from Russia’s political and administrative scenes of traitors. They are those who are reveled in the impending turmoil.

Mr. President Putin, the moment has come…


So it is over – Good article and it is the same thing I saw about the rebellion by Prigozhin…

People in Russia got pissed about what Prigozhin tried to do…
I call it weeding out the 6th Column…

Russian society forced Prigozhin to back down
The lack of support for the rebellion forced Prigozhin to abandon the military adventure

According to Yevgeny Minchenko, president of the Minchenko Consulting communications holding, Western countries were hoping for a full-fledged civil conflict in Russia and “thank God it didn’t happen.”

“Today was a very difficult and very important day,” publicist Nikolai Starikov summed up. – “Russia has literally walked on a knife’s edge. A hundred years ago it did not pass, but now it has passed.”

The most important factor influencing the resolution of the crisis was the position of the Russian society. Representatives of Russian regions, leading politicians, religious leaders, public figures, soldiers on the front line-all of them condemned the Prigozhin adventure. Thus, the Russian society expressed a strong condemnation of the armed rebellion, clearly showed that it is on the side of the legitimate authorities and sustainable civil peace.

“The most important thing that saved and helped and distinguished June 2023 from February 1917 is the consolidation of the country around the president”, –says Starikov. – “The political elite, military, social activists and ordinary citizens united around the head of Russia, and the rebels were left without support, in isolation.”

According to Minchenko, in general, judging by social networks, Russian society shared the idea that “in conditions when our fighters are holding back the enemy’s offensive, it is unacceptable to start any more internal quarrels.”

The reaction of the West and Ukraine was also significant: the media, public figures, and politicians openly gloated about what was happening. This served as an additional marker for Russian society that Prigozhin’s rebellion is beneficial to Russia’s opponents, and not at all to its patriots, as he tried to claim in social networks.

However, this was not the only lie – from the very beginning, a fake was exposed, replicated about the alleged strike on the locations of the Wagner PMC. Prigozhin lost not by military means, but primarily by political and informational means – Russian society was convinced of the harmfulness and insincerity of his statements. As a result, Prigozhin was forced to abandon his adventure, stop the mutiny, and agree to an amicable agreement.

“It didn’t work out to deceive and confuse the people. And then they backed out. – writes Starikov. – It’s a good thing that this is the case – we definitely don’t need bloodshed and civil war.”

Of course, this peace will be achieved through negotiations, agreements and compromise. “A compromise was necessary, among other things, because a number of decisions were made before that, which carried the seeds of potential problems,” Minchenko believes. – “Situational conflict resolution has emerged today, but the management system associated with the SVR needs to be changed.”

Thus, the political and social crisis that suddenly broke out in Russia was overcome in almost a day. No “civil war” that was predicted in Ukraine and the West has begun, the Russian political system has proved its stability, and Russian society has proved its maturity. And the special military operation will continue – and we can expect that with even greater energy.…

That article sums it up pretty good…

You just saw the beginning of the end and the Russian people are behind it unified…

Kadyrov was right about Prigozhin and after they gave him enough rope, he hung himself…

Prigozhin went psychotic, for he was being disbanded and most likely arrested and he freaked at getting caught. Now his men will be absorbed into the real MoD of Russia and that brings up about his men…

Most of them were against what he ordered to have done and had already walked away from him. Very few of his commanders followed him in this escapade of stupidity. Yes, Prigozhin will sit in Belarus, for the Russian people want his head…


I think that Prigozhin better get his mental state under control. The Chechen Special Forces are coming for him…

A convoy of Chechen special forces “Akhmat” in Rostov region…

The Chechen people are pissed that anyone tries to hurt their Mother Russia…

Kadyrov was right about Prigozhin and after they gave him enough rope, he hung himself…


Update: by Kadyrov…

In connection with the latest events, Chechen units were sent to Rostov-on-Don in order to take the situation under control if necessary. To solve this problem, Apty Alaudinov @AptiAlaudinovAKHMAT , deputy commander of the 2nd Army Corps of the RF Armed Forces, and the commander of the Sever-Akhmat regiment, Zaindi Zingiev, were involved in this task.

The fighters quickly arrived at the scene and waited for the order to proceed with the tasks. Praise be to Allah Almighty, the situation ended without a direct confrontation. Our guys demonstrated high combat readiness and readiness to defend the Motherland at any cost on the first command.

I rate their actions as extremely effective and thoughtful. Any initiative in a residential city could inevitably lead to mass casualties. The fighters acted strictly in accordance with the order and brilliantly completed the task assigned to them. Their positions in the NWO zone are successfully held by our reserve groups.

I express my sincere gratitude to Apta Alaudinov and Zayndi Zingiev for the strict execution of the combat order. Today, I once again became convinced that our soldiers are a reliable barrier against any threat to our state, loyal and reliable infantrymen of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President of Russia Vladimir Putin! AHMAT-POWER!


Kadyrov is a great leader and an honorable man…..

Friends, the night turned out to be difficult and the flights did not give time to voice here my position on this vile betrayal!

Everything that happens is a KNIFE IN THE BACK and a real military mutiny!

I have repeatedly warned that war is not the time to voice personal grievances and resolve disputes in our rear. The rear must always be calm and reliable. Imagine how the guys in the trenches feel now, in the face of which there is an enemy, and behind their backs a treacherous adventure. We are talking about stability, about the cohesion of the state, about the security of citizens.

History shows that such actions can lead to bloody consequences. We have few losses in the NWO? We still have to create problems within the country?

We have a Supreme Commander-in-Chief, elected by the people, who knows the whole situation to the smallest detail better than any strategist, and even more so a businessman, calls the commanders “on the ground” himself and fully controls the course of the NWO. And the decisions of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief are taken in a balanced and scrupulous manner. Each of us sees only one part of the map, and he sees everything at once! And Vladimir Vladimirovich quite rightly noted in his address to the nation – this is a military rebellion! There is no excuse for such actions!
I fully support every word of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin!

I appeal to the fighters – patriots of our Motherland. Do not fall for provocations. No matter what goals you are given, no matter what promises you are told, the security of the state and the cohesion of Russian society are above all at such a moment! See how our enemies in the West are taking advantage of this situation. How many stuffing, how many lies, how many false appeals that frighten our citizens, create the danger of a destabilizing situation. And these are the expected consequences of Prigozhin’s treacherous march.

What is happening is not an ultimatum to the Ministry of Defense. This is a challenge to the state, and against this challenge it is necessary to rally around the national leader: the military, security forces, governors, and the civilian population.

The fighters of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Guard in the Chechen Republic have already left for the zones of tension. We will do everything to preserve the unity of Russia and protect its statehood!

The rebellion must be crushed, and if this requires harsh measures, then we are ready!



Kadyrov is a great leader and an honorable man…
