Ukraine war has a side issue. It is also an effort to cover up bribery, corruption and unrighteous USA actions within Ukraine. – kKEETON…

In 2010 I said below, after an experience with the USA Embassy in Ukraine…

One thing that stood out to me was the political undertones from the American Embassy in Ukraine that infiltrated into the Ukraine Governmental section. America is and has been buying the Ukraine government for some time now. Biden just bought and paid for Ukraine’s help to rearm Georgia. That is a No – No and should be stopped. American politics need to stay out of Ukraine or any other country for that matter…

Pickpocket: We All Think That It Will Never Happen To Us! (Part 3 – American Embassy Experience)

I warned everyone about USA actions in Ukraine many times (I even saw that Biden was working out of Ukraine to affect Georgia.) and no one cared and or listened and when they did listen it was three letter agencies from the USA and they, wanted my head on a platter…

Question: “Why the hell don’t you listen to truth?”

Nuff said…


About that counter offensive (Suicide) by Ukraine…

I been counting the daily numbers since the Ukraine Offensive began, it as 15,000 (+ or – a hundred or so) Ukrainians, NATO and whatnot’s killed and that doesn’t include yesterday…

Around 800 to 900 Russians have died…

This is not wounded, but permanently removed from the planet in the last week…

Total dead Ukrainians, NATO and whatnot’s since the start of the SMO is right at 500,000 permanently dead as in a door nail…


So no matter what your ignorant (lying) media in the west is telling you, Ukrainians are getting slaughtered and are a horde of untrained civilians acting like soldiers and are being shoved forcibly to the front line, by NATO…