~Steal everything in Ukraine, okay West!~

So the West just stole very important Russian Orthodox Icons from Ukraine, just like they already stole Ukrainian Gold…


Eight years ago as Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine, Ukraine’s gold appeared to have been hastily shipped to the United States. Nobody in authority would deny it:


Today the Ukrainian central bank acknowledged that $12 billion of its gold reserves recently was sold under pressure of the war with Russia that began this year:


and thus also…


Secretly Evacuated From Ukraine, Rare Icons Now on View at the Louvre

Amid Russian attacks, Kyiv’s Khanenko Museum sent 16 precious artworks to Paris for safekeeping – June 26, 2023


Bad bad West, yet it is what they do and have always done…


Medvedev on Nukes and Poland…

TASS question:

How can you comment on Poland’s desire to participate in NATO’s Nuclear Sharing program?


Taking into account the fact that in the Polish leadership today is only patented degenerates that have been collected, the request to deploy nuclear weapons in Poland threatens only Russia. Such weapons will be used. Finally, to the joy of all the madmen (even with the understanding that the final decision will be made by the senile overseas).

But there is also a positive side to this. All duds, Moravian, Kaczynski and other evil spirits will disappear. Well, others will disappear, alas…



While the USA is waging a CPU Chip War upon China…

China gives the USA the middle finger and will soon (already has) surpass America in the chip industry…

Okay, I know you are not following what is going on, yet as you sleep in woke land, the rest of the world is getting on with business…

Myself, it looks like Huawei has already, “chipped” it ahead…

Empires really act stupid as they die!


Updated: https://www.reuters.com/technology/chinas-huawei-poised-overcome-us-ban-with-return-5g-phones-research-firms-2023-07-12/
