There is PR and then there is PR… (Public Relations)

The little girl is not feeling PR and propaganda. She simply wants to meet the man who runs Russia, the greatest country in the world. She knows it, feels it and expresses her real feelings…

Putin, while yes this is PR for his world, yet in the little girls world this is a dream of her life…

Then Putin approves on the spot 5 billion Rubles for Dagestan…

Simple and needed and Putin does not have to deal with outside issues. He says do it and they do it. A real president and a real leader. What he says goes and millions of people do not try to steal and manipulate what he says to do…

You are looking at a real leader of a great country…

Nuff Said…


MoD Top News Report for July 4th, 2023…

🗓 Top News Today

▫️ The National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation hosts joint session of the Russian Defence Ministry Board and Ministry of Industry and Trade.

▫️Colonel General Aleksandr Fomin, Deputy Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, and Brigadier General Fawwaz Al-Harbi, head of the military delegation of the State of Kuwait, held talks in Moscow.

▫️  An attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by five drones on targets in Moscow region and New Moscow has been foiled this morning.

▫️In Donetsk direction, the Yug Group of Forces in defence has successfully repelled ten enemy attacks during the past 24 hours. The enemy has lost up to 290 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, two infantry fighting vehicles, nine motor vehicles, two pick-up trucks, one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer, Msta-B and D-30 howitzers, as well as one Polish-made Krab self-propelled artillery system.

▫️Watch AFU’s military hardware annihilated within the special military operation.

▫️ Press centre chiefs of VostokZapadTsentr, and Yug groups of forces make statements on current situation in the areas of responsibility.

▫️The Russian Defence Ministry shows Ka-52 helicopters in action within the special military operation.

▫️ Ukrainian POWs urge their comrades to lay down their arms and return home by any means.

▫️Two Tu-95MS long-range strategic missile carriers of the Russian Aerospace Forces conducted a scheduled flight over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea near the west coast of Alaska.

#MoD #TopNews
🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Important: Ukraine will try to blow up Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant…

On the night of July 5, Kiev plans to attack the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant using high-precision weapons and kamikaze drones – Adviser to the Head of Russian energy giant Rosenergoatom Karchaa…

UPDATE: Kiev’s regime will hit the plant with a Tochka-U missile with a warhead stuffed with nuclear waste – Karchaa…

Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plantis going to be a sicko psycho false flaf attack by the west…

Let us hope that they are not that stupid…


Russian: Bureau 1440 space company (We need to watch what is happening with this.)

Bureau 1440 space company, which is a part of Russian IKS Holding, successfully installed into orbit three space communication satellites…

The main purpose of the “1440 Bureau” is the creation of a commercial service of broadband data transfer at high speeds with minimal delays on the basis of low-orbit satellite constellation,” – reported the press service. The company explained that the system will provide a global service with a focus on mass consumers in various industries.

This is a Russian Starlink?

So for now I watch what is happening. They say that setting fiber optics is the past and this is their solution…

Hmm, looking good…