The way it should be – Russian Parliament, approves bill banning gender reassignment…

State Duma, lower house of Russian Parliament, approves bill banning gender reassignment in Russia. Duma Chairman Volodin shares statistics on “monstrous trend” as he says “there have been 50 times more gender reassignment operations in the United States over the past 10 years – transgender people (according to 2022 data) 1 million 640 thousand, including 1 million 300 thousand adults (0.5% of the adult population) and 340 thousand teenagers (1.4% of all US children aged 13-17).”

So, they passed the bill!

Again I say, “It is about time!” (Russia moves to ban sex changes)…


The USA is staring at a Trillion $ Dollar interest payment on its debt…

PDF of Report – mts0623

Not a very good report and we all know this is after massaging numbers…

For the greater good of their own civilians welfare and operation, countries are withdrawing from the dollar reserve system. Reserve fiat can only be sustained if the host nation’s government is monetarily logical, while the US government clearly falls short of this criterion in all ways…

We are witnessing the 54 countries of Africa in the process of signing onto BRICS. They have no choice if they want to survive. The world has reached a point that threats of destruction by the USA Bully are small in comparison to what happens if  the masses do not eat and everything grinds to a halt due to fiscal issues…

At least three quarters of the worlds countries will sign up to BRICS sooner than later…

Weaponized Dollar was a fatal mistake by the Western Coalition…

And it seems paying the credit card payment with the same credit card is not sustainable…