Medvedev on Borrell…

Borrell has severe verbal diarrhea about the grain deal. Like we are to blame for everything, we are starving the planet and depriving peaceful Ukrobanderites of their legitimate income.

You need it yourself on a strict diet. Just water, that’s all. And then, like the grain of Africa, Borrell and his like assholes immediately run into the bushes. We don’t know anything, we take grain only for native thick-faced Europeans. And how they pressed them together with salon drug addicts – guard, we are starving.

So let it be decided: either Europe will finally fulfill our fair demands on the trade in Russian grain, or let them simply moderate their appetite. And then this Borrell and his fosterlings, who eat in three throats, inadvertently can die, choking in their fetid feces.



Hmm, except the grain deal expired and the only thing that happened was that Russia did not renew it…

Josep Borrell  demands punishment of Russia for withdrawing from the grain deal…

Also, except the West, as always, did nothing to up hold the agreement they agreed upon…

You gotta admit that the West is full of crying, whining and pants wetting children and they call the EU a garden…

I call the EU a juvenile delinquent home for wayward children…