North Korea and China agree to develop strategic cooperation. (Other words, we got your back Bro!)

Russia just made its visit and now China…

Other words, we got your back Bro!

North Korean leader Kim Jong un hosts Chinese delegation, both parties to  jointly respond to “difficult” international situation. US has been sending strategic subs to South Korea recently as Seoul (SK) has threatened to wipe out Pyongyang (NK). Yes it started with South Korea threatening North Korea as is normally the way it happens…

And yes the west does not tell you that tidbit of info…

The changes we see are not new, but in the open now…


Attention! Water Protection Zone, new signs all over the place at TRV area…

I said, Huh!

Big heavy square steel post and nice pretty blue colored sign. The post is gonna be there a long time. Talk about overkill for the sign!

I wish I had a hundred of these posts to build a fence with. Cost would be crazy to say the least…

Several of these signs that I have seen as driving around are not even installed correctly and you can’t read them from the road. They actually were installed facing the woods and at weird angles. That is what prompted me to find one I could read and take a picture as you drive…

Nowhere near water at our TRV area. But in the other villages they did a better job putting near the rivers and bridges. In our area, not so good. This sign is almost a kilometer from the river and nowhere near a watershed situation. But it looks cool and actually is at the start of a very dangerous corner as you drive, Visibility is poor and my first reaction was, Oh good a warning sign!

Well okay a warning, but about water. You can see the no fires in the woods sign near it. So I assume it is forestry related?

Whatever… (It adds color to my desolate goat-trail of a road I travel at TRV.)


Medvedev on judges of the miserable ICC…

The judges of the miserable ICC continue to justify their impracticable and therefore dangerous for world peace decision to issue a warrant for the arrest of the President of Russia.

Once again, the enemies of our country did not give a damn about the principles of international law and the basic rules of international relations. In particular, the non-distribution of the action of an international treaty to those states that do not participate in it. It is the cornerstone of the law of international treaties, and of treaty law in general.

In accordance with the Vienna Convention of 1969, if the treaty provides for obligations for third states, then a clear and express consent of these countries to fulfill such obligations is necessary. Our country has nothing to do with the Rome Statute of the ICC and is not obliged to cooperate with it. His decisions are insignificant for us until we voluntarily become a member of this organization. And this will never happen. We despise the ICC and wish it a speedy and painful death from incapacity and impotence.

The arguments used by the Hague judicial bureaucrats are an unprecedented abuse of the mandate given to them under the Rome Statute. They apparently planned to rewrite the basic principles of international law to suit the suicidal intentions of the decrepit hegemon. Although they are only “judges” and not legislators. And they forgot that ludicis est ius dicere, non dare.

And here are the “arguments” – for clarity:

1) The ICC has the right to take any such action.

These on-call lawyers are unfazed by the court’s lack of legal capacity to exercise unfettered universal jurisdiction over international crimes. In accordance with the Rome Statute, the universal jurisdiction of the ICC is provided only in the case of transfer by the UN Security Council to the prosecutor of this court of the relevant proceeding, and there is nothing of the kind at present and, of course, there will not be. The possession of this competence in full is possible only after the recognition of the legal personality of this court erga omnes by all states of the world, but the ICC has big problems with this. Not all states are ready to give whores from this institution jurisdiction over their own country. Moreover, these judicial prostitutes perform the perversions of a pimp with chronic diseases, who himself does not want to participate in brothel showdowns.

2) The actions of the ICC are “indirectly supported” by the members of the UN Security Council. The rationale is that they “have never had any objections about the role of the court, its mandate, or its international qualifications.”

The Hague sluts (sorry, “servants of Themis”) again have problems with both an elementary account and their own memory. Among those states that do not participate in the ICC and do not recognize its jurisdiction, three of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council are Russia, China and the United States. The latter, more than once, pointed out to this organization its place. Back in 2002, the law on the protection of American military personnel was passed. It authorizes the use of military force to free any US citizen or US ally detained on the territory of a third state under an ICC warrant. Trump, too, has not spared strong words about this so-called court, and his administration has not been squeamish about economic sanctions and visa restrictions on ICC “staff” just because of speculation about US military crimes in Afghanistan.

True, Biden’s demented grandfather recently distinguished himself. It is he who is a sick pimp who, not formally participating in the ICC brothel showdowns, secretly runs a house of legal tolerance. Disregarding the opinion of the Pentagon, he ordered his administration to transfer to the ICC information about “Russia’s actions” in Ukraine. To us, in principle, this is up to the light bulb. But the US Department of Defense warned the old man that his actions could open the way for criminal prosecution of the US military.

And the last. Warrants, prosecutors, trials against Russia – all these are the amusements of our enemies, with which they amuse themselves from impotence. And yet we must remember – these are potentially dangerous games. And this kind of action can at some point really become
casus belli.
