Lavrov Quotes on the West…

West’s slogans change, but goal of bending world to its will remain unchanged – Russian FM Lavrov.


The West has people leading it today such as Josep Borrell, dividing the world into their “flowering garden” and the “jungle,” where, in their view, most of humanity resides. With such a racist worldview it’s difficult to come to terms with multipolarity – Russian FM Lavrov.

You know? When Borrell said his ignorant statement about the EU being a Garden. It was simple to deduce that the EU was screwed beyond repair…

“Europe is a garden. We have built a garden… The rest of the world… is not exactly a garden. Most of the rest of the world is a jungle. The jungle could invade the garden. The gardeners should take care of it,” Borrell said. & “The jungle has a strong growth capacity… walls will never be high enough in order to protect the garden. The gardeners have to go to the jungle, Europeans have to be much more engaged with the rest of the world. Otherwise, the rest of the world will invade us, by different ways and means.” spouted Borrell

We must not and can’t stop remembering when “The Borrell’s of the world” like above link, spout lies. For when statements about “Gardens and Jungles” are expressed to split the worlds people, you must never forget that things are going to get worse, before getting better…

Agenda of Evil…


Medvedev, “The defeat of the West in the Ukrainian direction is inevitable.”

And let their leaders, who have forgotten about their own citizens, shout with each other that they will support the stubs of the Square with weapons and money for as long as it takes. They will train soldiers for the Kyiv meat-packing plant, they will restore the ruins of the dying economy of the Bandera regime. Will maintain insane sanctions against Russia. It won’t help. Why?

For them, this is a strange war in which people who are strangers to them are dying. And although they do not feel sorry for them, the West will never go beyond the fact that it will begin to harm its interests too much. No matter how loudly he laments at his summits and at the UN. Someone else’s war sooner or later becomes boring, costly and irrelevant.

And for us it is a tragedy involving our people. This is an existential conflict. The War for Self-Preservation . Either they or we.

Some time will pass. Western authorities will change, their elites will get tired and beg for negotiations and a freeze on the conflict. Any counteroffensive will fizzle out. The dead will be buried, the wounds will be licked.

But we must not stop until the current, inherently terrorist Ukrainian state is completely dismantled. It must be destroyed to the ground. Or rather, so that even the ashes from it did not remain. So that this abomination could never, under any circumstances, be reborn.

If it takes years or even decades, then so be it. We have no choice: either we will destroy their hostile political regime, or the collective West will eventually tear Russia to pieces. And in this case, he will perish with us.

Nobody needs this.

Therefore, the only way is the complete disposal of the state machine of a hostile country and absolute guarantees of loyalty for the future.

They can only be given by Russia’s control over everything that is happening and will happen in the territories of the former Bandera state. And we will achieve it.
