I guess sanctions do not exist on LNG from Russia. Gotta get it somewhere…

European Union member states (EU) have been buying at a furious pace, Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG). Their coffers are almost full as you read this…

So we switched from pipeline and cheap to LNG and expensive?

But even Russian LNG is much much cheaper than USA LNG, you know that, “American Freedom Gas”…

Pipeline = Cheap fuel and productive industry
LNG = Expensive fuel and non-productive industry


Could have been evaded with a little Western tact…

This focused conflict called the “SMO” (Special Military Operation) could have been evaded with a little Western tact and a multi-fold moderate negotiations by the Western Coalition to Moscow. It could have been never started and canned even in the early weeks of the friction back when a contingent peace consensus had been struck. It could easily have been stopped back before this cataclysmal SMO counter-assault became a necessity…

The SMO happened in accordance to a reply to the build up of NATO arms, trainers and money within Ukraine…