Western propaganda strives to become nare a shred of truth within…

The King of Prevaricated Propaganda

There is a point which propaganda becomes collective delirium…

The two sides of propaganda…

“If we just replace Russian natural gas with American in Europe alone for one year, we would lower 218 billion tons of CO2 emissions because our natural gas is cleaner,” McCarthy said on Fox News’s Sunday Morning Futures. “America would be economically stronger, our prices would be lower and the world would be safer.”

So now USA fracking natural gas is cleaner?

That falls into the same malarkey that electric cars save on fuels and or cow farts cause climate change…

Interesting times we live in and looking more and more like we won’t survive the collapse of the Western Empire of lies and chaos…


Medvedev on casus belli and jus ad bellum…

West has no choice but to be made responsible for it’s actions against the world. – kKEETON

Now Medvedev on our future…

Ukrainian criminals announced that they had agreed on any strikes on everything in Russia, “for example, in the Crimea.”

If this is true (and there is no reason to doubt now), then this is direct legally significant evidence of complicity of the West in the war against Russia on the side of the state of Stepan Bandera. A refined casus belli and for Russia the opportunity to act within the framework of jus ad bellum against everyone and everyone in the NATO countries.

It’s sad, alas. The predictions of the Apocalypse are getting closer.

“In those days people will seek death, but they will not find it; wish to die, but death will flee from them” (Revelation 9:6).

“We are remembered while we interfere with others” (V.I. Lenin).

Like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you.” (N.S. Khrushchev).


Jus ad bellum refers to “the conditions under which States may resort to war or to the use of armed force in general.”

A casus belli (from Latin casus belli ‘occasion for war’; PL casus belli) is an act or an event that either provokes or is used to justify a war.


Medvedev on West dreaming of Russia running out of weapons…

Our enemy is constantly counting painfully how much and what we have left. Tanks, shells, missiles and more. This is understandable – enemy propaganda lives by its own laws. But not only – such a calculation is quite in the logic of the very existence of the Bandera state. After all, it is a parasitic country and receives food “from the body” of its owners, lives at the expense of them. There will be no arms supplies, and everything will end quickly for the Bandera regime. The parasites will die.

We provide ourselves with all types of weapons ourselves. And today, already in quantities exceeding the current needs of the Armed Forces. This is how our military-industrial complex operates now. Its conveyors work in three shifts. And he will produce armaments as much as is necessary for the effective defense of our Fatherland.
