Communication is the key, RU and Iran…

Russian delegation headed by Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu arrives in Tehran for talks with the military leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran

◽️ During the visit, the Russian Defence Ministry delegation will hold a number of talks with the military leadership of the Republic. The visit will contribute to strengthening Russian–Iranian military ties and will be an important stage in the development of co-operation between the two countries.

◽️ The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran held a formal greeting ceremony for the Russian delegation outside its main building, which was attended by a guard of honour and a military band. Mohammad Bagheri, Chief of Staff for the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, greeted the Russian Minister of Defence.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Medvedev on Guess what fate awaits him. (Medvedev about the situation in Karabakh.)

Однажды один мой коллега из братской страны сказал мне: «Ну я же для вас чужой, вы меня не примете». Я ответил то, что должен: «Судить будем не по биографии, а по поступкам». Потом он проиграл войну, но удержался странным образом на месте. Потом он решил возложить ответственность за своё бездарное поражение на Россию. Потом он отказался от части территории своей страны. Потом он решил заигрывать с НАТО, а его супруга демонстративно уехала к нашим врагам с печеньками.

Догадайтесь, какая судьба его ждёт…

Medvedev about the situation in Karabakh.

One day, one of my colleagues from a fraternal country told me: “Well, I’m a stranger to you, you won’t accept me.” I answered what I had to: “We will judge not by biography, but by actions.” Then he lost the war, but strangely stayed in place. Then he decided to blame Russia for his mediocre defeat. Then he gave up part of the territory of his country. Then he decided to flirt with NATO, and his wife defiantly went to our enemies with cookies…


Kadyrov on Libya during times of trouble…

Libya is going through one of the most difficult periods in its history. Quite recently, there was a massive flood there, as a result of which, according to various sources, tens of thousands of people were killed, injured or missing. Entire cities and towns went under water. The destruction was catastrophic.

And although terrible images from Libya spread all over the world, the reaction of the world community looked and remains no less monstrous. Many Western countries have demonstrated almost complete indifference to the tragedy in the Muslim region. The hypocrisy of pseudo-democratic states has not been surprising for a long time. After all, we remember very well what an increased interest NATO countries had in Libya when they mercilessly bombed it, verbally explaining this by the fact that they allegedly wanted to help the Libyan people.

Today’s tragedy is also the result of the policy of the United States and the entire North Atlantic Alliance, which plunged Libya into chaos and destruction 12 years ago. The country did not develop. The infrastructure that is needed in case of natural disasters is in a state of disrepair. As a result, Libya is faced with a humanitarian catastrophe. If a similar situation had happened in Europe, all the media would have trumpeted about it, and all available resources would have been involved in the rescue operation.

Meanwhile, Russia responded to the tragedy in Libya from the first days. Humanitarian aid is sent to the disaster zone every day, and our rescuers help eliminate the terrible consequences of the flood. For my part, I want to say that we are in constant contact with the leadership of Libya. We are ready to provide the necessary assistance to those affected by floods and floods. Local authorities know this. Unlike Western countries, we have been and remain a reliable friend of Libya in any matter and will always provide all possible assistance to people who find themselves in difficult situations.

May Allah Almighty help the affected people, and may He have mercy on all those who died!
