Medvedev on cost to humanity higher than 1945…

1. Fraternization of Canadian animals led by Prime Minister Trudeau in his parliament with the Nazis.

2. Deliveries of Abrams tanks from NATO arsenals.

3. Promises to supply longer-range Army Tactical Missile System missiles to the Kyiv authorities.

It seems that Russia is being left with less and less choice other than a direct conflict with NATO on the ground, which has turned into an openly fascist bloc like the Hitler Axis, albeit of a larger size. We are ready, although the result will be achieved at much greater cost to humanity than in 1945…



On 26 September 2022 the USA blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline…

One year ago massive underwater explosions destroyed the $30 billion Russian-German Nord Stream Pipelines, it was Europe’s most important and necessary for competition in world trade, energy infrastructure in European history…

This pipeline gave the EU true freedom from the USA’s  expensive fracking junk fuel…

Well, we see how the USA accepted that European Freedom…


The New World War through the prism of individual conflicts. (Analysis from Yury Podolyaka)

English below…

Новая мировая война сквозь призму отдельных конфликтов

А если без эмоций продолжать тему Армении и вообще влияния России за пределами ее границ, то надо признать, что мы в 2018 году (приход к власти проамериканской шестерки Пашиняна) потерпели в Закавказье очень болезненное поражение. И чтобы его компенсировать, с учетом по сути объявленной Западом тотальной войны, нам надо давить на все его слабые точки.

Потому, что суть нынешних конфликтов (всех скопом), это новый передел мира. А значит и война пусть и не везде явная, у нас сейчас идет именно мировая. Причем, не везде нам противник сумел навязать свою волю.

Война на Украине уже показала, что далеко не весь мир уже “с ними”. Скорее он уже “с нами” (4/5 по населению и 3/4 по территории).

А еще, очень неплохо у нас получилось в Латинской Америке, где после удержания ситуации в Венесуэле, в т.ч. и благодаря этому сегодня этот регион уже не “задний двор США”, а “заноза в заднице” США. Где новый президент до последнего времени всегда лояльной к Вашингтону Колумбии на днях выставил ему счет за все.

А еще одной из таких точек, судя по последним событиям, является Африка, где за последние пару лет Франция потерпела несколько очень болезненных поражений и, как говорят боксеры, “поплыла”. И нам нужно ее добивать (в смысле выбивать и далее из региона). А отсюда было бы, например, правильно российской армии, с учетом сложившихся реалий, занять место ЧВК “Вагнер” в этом ключевом регионе.

И т.д. И если мы будем делать именно так, как поступают США в недавнем нашем “заднем дворе” (Закавказье), то тем самым мы не распылим силы, а скорее добьемся полной и окончательной победы … не на Украине (она частность), а в мировой войне, в которой (ради будущего наших детей) мы не имеем права проиграть.


The New World War through the prism of individual conflicts

🔎 Analysis from Yury Podolyaka

And if we continue the topic of Armenia and Russia’s influence beyond its borders without emotions, we must recognize that we suffered a very painful defeat in the Transcaucasus in 2018 (the coming to power of the pro-American six of Pashinyan). And in order to compensate for it, taking into account the total war declared by the West, we need to press on all its weak points.

Because the essence of the current conflicts (all together) is a new redistribution of the world. That means that even if it is not everywhere obvious, we are now in a world war. And not everywhere the enemy has managed to impose its will on us.

The war in Ukraine has already shown that not the whole world is already “with them”. Rather, it is already “with us” (4/5 in population and 3/4 in territory).

And also, we have done very well in Latin America, where after holding the situation in Venezuela, including thanks to this, today this region is no longer a “backyard of the USA”, but a “pain in the ass” of the USA. Where the new president of Colombia, which until recently had always been loyal to Washington, recently gave Washington a bill for everything.

And another of these points, judging by recent events, is Africa, where France has suffered several very painful defeats in the last couple of years and, as boxers say, “floated”. And we need to finish it off (in the sense of knocking it out of the region). And from here it would be, for example, correct for the Russian army, given the current realities, to take the place of PMC “Wagner” in this key region.

And so on. And if we do exactly as the U.S. does in our recent “backyard” (Transcaucasia), then by doing so we will not disperse forces, but rather achieve complete and final victory … not in Ukraine (it is a private matter), but in the world war, in which (for the sake of the future of our children) we have no right to lose.

Source: Yury Podolyaka


MoD of Russia Report for September 25th, 2023…

⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation

(25 September 2023)

Part I (See Part II)

▫️Last night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons and strike drones against temporary deployment sites of foreign mercenaries and sabotage groups training points of the AFU. All the facilities have been neutralised. The goal of the attack has been reached.

▫️In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces, in cooperation with aviation and artillery, have successfully repelled seven attacks by AFU assault groups close to Spornoye, Berestovoye, and Mayorsk (Donetsk People’s Republic).

▫️The enemy losses were up to 445 Ukrainian servicemen killed and wounded, one tank, three infantry fighting vehicles, and 11 motor vehicles.

▫️In addition, in the course of counter-battery warfare, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system and two D-30 howitzers have been destroyed.

▫️One ammunition depot of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade of the AFU has been also destroyed near Zvanovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

▫️In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian grouping of troops, aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems have repelled two attacks by the 71th Jaeger Brigade of the AFU close to Verbovoye (Zaporozhye region).

▫️In addition, AFU 21st and 65th mechanised brigades‘ manpower and hardware clusters have been hit close to Malaya Tokmachka, Novodanilovka, and north of Rabotino (Zaporozhye region).

▫️The enemy losses were up to 100 Ukrainian servicemen, one tank, three armoured fighting vehicles, and three motor vehicles.

▫️During the counter-battery warfare, one U.S.-manufactured M777 artillery system, one D-20 gun, one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and four D-30 howitzers have been destroyed.

▫️In Krasny Liman direction, as a result of coordinated actions of units of the Tsentr Group of Forces, Army Aviation and artillery, two attacks by assault groups of the 67nd Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been repelled north of Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic).

▫️In addition, one manpower and hardware concentration area of the 12th Azov Special Purpose Brigade has been hit near Serebryansky forestry.

▫️The enemy losses were up to 55 Ukrainian servicemen, two infantry fighting vehicles, two pickup trucks, one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, and two D-30 howitzers.

▫️In South Donetsk direction, aviation and artillery of the Vostok Group of Forces have struck manpower and hardware of the 56th Motorised Infantry Brigade of the AFU and the 110th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Urozhainoye and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

▫️In addition, two sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the AFU have been eliminated near Marfopol (Zaporozhye region)

▫️The enemy losses were up to 125 Ukrainian servicemen, two motor vehicles, one D-20 gun, and two D-30 howitzers.

▫️In Kupyansk direction, aviation and artillery of the Zapad Group of Forces have hit manpower and hardware clusters of 14th, 43rd and 66th mechanised brigades of the AFU near Sinkovka, Peschanoye, and Cherneshchyna (Kharkov region).

▫️The enemy losses were up to 25 Ukrainian servicemen, two motor vehicles, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

▫️In Kherson direction, the enemy losses were up to 90 Ukrainian servicemen, two tanks, two motor vehicles, two D-30 howitzers.

▫️In addition, one ammunition depot of the 126th Territorial Defence Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has been destroyed close to Nikolayevka (Kherson region).

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry

⚡️ Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation

(25 September 2023)

Part II (See Part I)

▫️Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have eliminated command and observation posts of 105th, 122nd territorial defence brigades near Krasnogorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Kherson, as well as enemy manpower and military hardware in 116 areas during the day.

▫️The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed one Mig-29 fighter of the Ukrainian Air Force close to Dolgintsevo airfield (Dnepropetrovsk region).

▫️Air defence facilities have shot down 7 projectiles launched by HIMARS MLRS.

▫️In addition, 33 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been hit close to Belogorovka, Lisichansk (Lugansk People’s Republic), Aleksandrovka, Berestovoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Shevchenko, Novoye, Ilchenkovo, and Tokmak (Zaporozhye region).

📊In total, 478 airplanes, 250 helicopters, 7,115 unmanned aerial vehicles, 438 air defence missile systems, 12,135 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,155 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,533 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 13,449 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry