Medvedev talks about idiots in NATO…

The number of leading idiots in NATO countries is growing.

One newly minted cretin – the British Minister of Defense – decided to transfer English training courses for Ukrainian soldiers to the territory of Ukraine itself. That is, turn your instructors into legal targets for our Armed Forces. Knowing full well that they will be mercilessly destroyed. And no longer as mercenaries, but precisely as British NATO specialists.

Another fool – the head of the German Defense Committee with an unpronounceable surname – demands that Taurus missiles be immediately supplied to the Khokhlobanderites so that the Kiev regime can strike at Russian territory to weaken the supply of our army. They say this is in accordance with international law. Well, in this case, attacks on German factories where these missiles are made will be fully consistent with international law.

Still, these idiots are actively pushing us towards a third world war…



Russia is being nice and giving warnings. Except, I hate to tell Russia, the west is not able to listen…


It is why I try to post all that Medvedev writes about on Telegram…

Seriously, who doesn’t love the “Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Head of Russia’s Security” trolling of the USA and EU!

I know I love it…

When he trolls the USA & EU, the USA & EU media goes bananas and politicians get mad and bugged eyed…

Okay, maybe the politicians located in EU & USA do not love “Medvedev’s Trolling” of their idiosyncrasies…