Western World Terrorist Powers… (I hear the train a comin’)

The Western Coalition…

Britain, Germany, Norway, Japan, Australia, Canada, France and the United States. Take those eight countries away and the rest of so called west would scatter like cock roaches when spraying poison…

No other country is actually loyal to the west in any form, except the excessive dollars and fear of bombs being showered upon them, even Israel…

I hear the train a comin’ It’s rolling round the bend…


The Ukraine Military (NATO) is one of the world’s noteworthy self-death machines…

In short: Suicide by SMO…

Incidentally, the dead ratio is around “9:1” Ukraine vs Russia, and that is on a blessed day for Ukraine…

Around the last six months or more, Russia has been able to raise that ratio to approach a steady “20:1”, Ukraine vs Russia deaths on the battle field…

Never forget that Ukraine is NATO and I do not forget that tidbit of info…

Russia is grinding NATO to dust…