MoD of Russia Reports for October 4th, 2023…

04.10.2023 (06:00) Russian peacekeeping contingent continues missions in the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh No violations of the ceasefire regime were recorded in the responsibility area of the Russian peacekeeping contingent over the past 24 hours.
04.10.2023 (05:10) Novorossiysk-based airborne assault detachments perform missions in Zaporozhye direction Novorossiysk-based paratroopers took prompt actions preventing the enemy from attempting resistance.
04.10.2023 (05:00) Tor-M1 SAM crews fight against enemy’s UAVs in Kupyansk direction, Western MD Usually, there are many targets to engage in Kupyansk direction. These are mainly AFU drones: Leleka, Furia, Valkyrie. Now, there are also imported models: the RQ-35 Puma, Poseidon, and others.

S&P Global PMI data for September 2023…

🔥 Russia’s PMI outperforms the world

Following the release of S&P Global PMI data for September, J.P.Morgan put together their own report summarizing some of the results.

J.P.Morgan Document PMI Data – PDF

Thus, it turned out that the Russian manufacturing sector is exploding with robustness. In fact, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of manufacturing PMI, followed by Kazakhstan…

In contrast, Germany finds itself at the bottom of the ranking, confirming that manufacturing in the country is now on the verge of disaster. And since all data from the USA is 100% false, I venture to say that the USA is right at the bottom with Germany in reality…

But take a look at G7 and lap doggies and you find interesting issues showing…


Medvedev on Good News for Ukraine…

Two good news for the Kyiv regime

First . The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, admitted that Ukraine will join the European Union by 2030. This means that the EU believes that the current Bandera state will last until this time.

Second . For the first time in US history, the Speaker of the House of Representatives has been dismissed. And precisely because of the love for the Kyiv authorities and budget compromises to finance Bandera’s supporters. There is an undoubted reason for pride, because the choice was between solving numerous internal problems of the States itself and further feeding the neo-Nazis.
True, there is only enough money left for two months.
