Now this quote by Mislav Kolakušić is perfect and “has” to be done…

We should do what he says…

Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, in the EU parliament, says, “To return to normal human values it is necessary that CNN, Reuters, Associated Press, Deutsche Welle and similar media fanatics and media Taliban be declared terrorist organizations because of the enormous amount of fake news and hate they spread.”

Main Stream Media are Terrorist Organizations…


9M730 Burevestnik… (nuclear-powered cruise missile) will watch you from the Heavens…

9M730 Burevestnik…

(nuclear-powered cruise missile) will watch you from the Heavens…

“Burevestnik” (“Stormbringer”)

and it will love you long time…

MOSCOW, October 5 – RIA Novosti. Russia has successfully tested the nuclear-powered intercontinental cruise missile Burevestnik, Vladimir Putin said at a plenary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club.

“The last successful test of the Burevestnik, a global-range cruise missile with a nuclear installation and a nuclear propulsion system, was carried out,” the president noted.

The head of state announced the creation of new types of weapons capable of ensuring a strategic balance in the world for decades to come, including the Burevestnik, on March 1, 2018, delivering a message to the Federal Assembly.

“Burevestnik” is one of the newest weapons systems. According to the Ministry of Defense, we are talking about an intercontinental cruise missile of practically unlimited range with a nuclear power plant. It is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. The Russian military noted that the low-flying, stealth cruise missile is invulnerable to all existing and future systems of both missile defense and air defense.

Earth 2022; We are watching in real-time and it is above our pay grade…

I ask myself, “Did “Prometheus” give more than fire this time?”

Yes people, it really is above our pay grade…


Maria Vladimirovna Zakharova talks about western goal of defeating Russia…

💬 The “Collective West” does not intend to give up the goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia , as they formulate it. There are calls in the German Bundestag to quickly transfer Taurus cruise missiles to Kyiv. This was stated by the Chairman of the Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Stark-Zimmermann. She emphasized that she considers potential attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russian territory with these missiles justified.

Such a statement, imbued with Russophobia and revanchism, suggests that Berlin still has not realized what their mindless pumping of weapons into the criminal Kiev regime could lead to.

In addition, the other day, responding to a request from an opposition party asking for a public assessment of the activities of the SS Galicia division, which included Ukrainian OUN-UPA fighters during the Great Patriotic War, the German government stated that it was not ready to call Bandera’s anti-Semites and in general by the Nazis.

I have the same question for Marie-Agnes Stark-Zimmermann. 👉 How does she feel about the SS division “Galicia”? It’s so easy to answer this simple question. We will all understand why she advocates for continuing to pump up the Kyiv regime with weapons and considers potential strikes by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russian territory justified. How? After all, it won’t be difficult to answer the question about the attitude towards the SS division “Galicia” and the OUN-UPA as a whole?

What does everything that I have given in the form of direct quotes and facts say? The fact that it seems that the German leadership has forgotten the lessons of history , although, it would seem, they should have remembered them better than others, been more sensitive and intolerant of any manifestations of misanthropic ideology, wherever this all happened.

But we see the opposite. Berlin denies the generally accepted fact of cooperation of Ukrainian nationalists with Hitler’s Third Reich.

❗️ Hence the logical conclusion: in today’s Germany, the rehabilitation of Nazism is in full swing.


Medvedev talks about peace talks…

To start peace talks, it is necessary for the enemy to recognize the realities, said Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Dmitry Medvedev.

He noted that Russia has never refused negotiations as a tool.

“The question is what we are talking about, from what point we start. And the point here is very simple — we must recognize the realities,” Medvedev said.

He also stated that the West is trying to “push through” a negotiation process that would contribute to the weakening of Russia simultaneously with the accumulation of forces by Ukraine.

Earlier, journalist Mark Temnitsky, in an article for the American edition of the Hill, expressed the opinion that if the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not succeed in the counteroffensive by the end of the year, a peace agreement will be concluded on favorable terms for Russia.
