Somewhere in China (video) they also celebrate, “Putin’s Birthday Today”…

Putin is 71 years old today, born October 7, 1952…

Happy Birthday Putin and 95% of the Russians wish you many more, for they know they need you at the helm of the largest country in the world…

China simply loves Putin and you can’t blame them at all. He is very good friend with Xi and he respects all Chinese people…


Sarmat 5th-generation strategic missile system, is standing as vanguards for Russia…

Russian Defence Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu inspects fulfilment of state defence order at the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant defence industry enterprise in Krasnoyarsk region

The Russian Defence Minister inspected production workshops of the enterprise and the technological process of serial production of the Sarmat 5th-generation strategic missile system.

Currently, the enterprise manufactures the first supply of mass-produced missiles which will be put on combat duty as soon as possible. In a missile deployment area of a formation at the final stage construction, installation, and commissioning works are carried out on units and systems of the silo launchers and the command post.

The management of the enterprise briefed the Russian Defence Minister on fulfilment of contracts for the production of the Sarmat strategic missile system, and the Minister focused the attention of the company’s management on that issue. ‘To implement directives of the President of the Russan Federation the promising Sarmat strategic missile complex is being put on combat duty.  The re-equipment of Strategic Missile Forces for this complex which will become the basis of the ground grouping of Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces is a priority in ensuring the country’s defence capability. Currently, the task of equipping the first missile regiment with the Sarmat complex at the main Russian Strategic Missile Forces facility is being solved’ said Russian Defence Minister.

In turn, the CEO of JSC Krasmash reported on expansion of the production capacity of the enterprise, introduction of modern technological equipment, and imminent commissioning of a new production building of the mechanical processing plant with an area of 18,000 square meters for 300 workplaces equipped according to the modern standards.

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


Medvedev on USA might need a Civil War…

The outbreak of fighting between Hamas and Israel on the 50th anniversary of the start of the Yom Kippur War is an event that could have been expected. This is what Washington and its allies had to do. The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for decades. And the US is a key player there.

But instead of actively working on a Palestinian-Israeli settlement, these idiots got in on us and are helping the neo-Nazis with all their might, pushing two close nations into conflict.

What can stop America’s manic passion for sparking conflicts everywhere on the planet?

Apparently, only a civil war in the United States.


Medvedev is correct and it is exactly what I have said must happen in the USA, to stop the crap…

USA needs a Civil War and sooner than later…


USA and what it is up to, but really is anyone in the USA that smart?

Russia’s defeat is a secondary objective. The idea behind the current conflict was to destroy Germany and the EU by using a war in Ukraine. For the time being, this is helping the US slightly in the near term, but new fronts are opening up against the Empire throughout the global south as a result of the process exposing too many flaws in the USA’s ability to project power and in all western economies…

Again I ask, “Whom or what is behind this?”

Because for sure that band of monkey’s within the USA Gov is not behind all that is happening…